52 Verbs to Use for the Word stallion

"I'll ride her"as he jerked the saddle from Captain Jack, turned the stallion into the corral, then started toward the bunk-house, while Carolyn June moved away in the direction of the back-yard gate"I'll ride her," he repeated, emphasizing strongly the last ten words, "to beat that Thunderbolt horse from over on th' Vermejo".

Yet he had chosen it with care as one of the points of passage for Alcatraz during the stallion's wanderings to the four quarters of his domains and though since he took up his station here an imp of the perverse kept the stallion far away, the watcher remained on guard, baked and scorched by the midday sun, constantly surveying the lower hills nearby or sweeping more distant reaches with his glass.

The Vermejo cowboy led the beautiful black stallion that had mastered Quicksilver and had in turn been whipped by the Gold Dust maverick.

He rode a fine dappled-gray stallion, wore a long blue overcoat, and carried a rusty sword,evidently a proud and prosperous man.

Hal Dunbar, his senses returned, had staggered to his feet; he had received no injury in the fall, and now he gaped in amazement at this empty-handed man approaching the stallion.

"I don't believe she'd leave th' stallion anyhow!"

MATERNUS-LATRO Sorbanus brought the skewbald stallion.

The black shield displayed a silver stallion which was rampant in every member and was bridled with gold, but the ancient arms had been given a new motto.

The Squire, who eagerly desired the big bay stallion, went so far as to ask its price, and the steward urged him to buy a pair of black horses, which he thought he could use on the farm, as they were short of horses.

" Nevertheless it required hard labour to urge and drag the stallion to the stable.

Presently Sindbad saw this strange sight, and witnessed how the groom drove the stallions back to the waves when they would have dragged the mares with them.

Having found it, he drank, and watered Satan, then took off the saddle to ease the stallion, and lay down at a little distance for a ten-minute siesta, one of those half wakeful sleeps the habit of which he had learned from his wolf.

" Then the Count armed and departed from Storisende, riding on the black horse, in jeweled armor, and carrying before him his black shield upon which was emblazoned the silver stallion of Poictesme and the motto Mundus vult decipi.

The rope which tethered him hung slack, and this enabled the stallion to give impetus to his backward leap.

That gave Alcatraz a second problemto fight the stallion without turning his back on the treacherous mare.

From head to foot the stallion sniffed that limp body, then raised a forehoof to strike; with one blow he could smash the face to a smear of red as he had smashed Manuel Cordova the great day long before.

Another pitch of the same nature would have freed the stallion from his rider beyond doubt, but he elected to gallop full speed ahead the length of the arena, and during that time, Woodbury, stunned though he was, managed to drag himself back into the saddle.

"That won a suit of triple mail at Dunismere joust, and wagered it 'gainst Black Ivo's roan stallion within Deepwold forest upon a time.

Certainly if it were well-nigh impossible to hunt the stallion effectively in daylight it was sheer madness to hunt him at night.

Even if she could have induced the stallion to eat from her hand she could never have made him willing to trust himself to her guidance.

Doubtless one of these burly missiles had struck and instantly killed the stallion.

It was he himself that had purposely lamed the stallion, that he might have plain and reasonable excuse for staying at the Golden Pear some days.

To him quoth my lord Duke, smiling: "Messire, an you be in a mind to wager now, I will lay you this my roan stallion 'gainst that suit of triple mail you won at Dunismere joust, that Gefroi breaks thy forester's back within two fallshow say you?" "Sweet my lord, it liketh me beyond telling, thy roan is a peerless beast!"

" Her carriage was a victoriette, small to match the poniesblack stallions, noteworthy for style and spirit even in Manila, where one's equipage is the measure of fortune....

He took up the black shield upon which was painted a silver stallion.

52 Verbs to Use for the Word  stallion