4 Verbs to Use for the Word steeplechasing

I am not ashamed to own, with him who loves a steeplechase, That to me the charm in hunting is the ecstasy of pace, This is what best schools the soldier, teaches us that we are men Born to bear the rough and tumble, wield the sword and not the pen.

If you wish to draw a flash of excitement from Dodd's eyes, ask him if he remembers the steeplechase to Sidanka.

When you hear a "houndman" jeering at the "customers" in front, Saying they come out to ride a steeplechase and not to hunt, You may bet the "grapes are sour," the fellow's smoked his nerve away; Once he went as well as they do: "every dog will have his day.

It was known that the old man had passed the limit of seventy, but only five years before he won a steeplechase on his own, and if ever a rider fulfilled Montaigne's ideal of a life spent in the saddle, it was he.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  steeplechasing