87 Verbs to Use for the Word steward

" "I'll send you the steward; he'll fix you out from the slop-chest.

Denbigh was much affected with whatever the latter might be, and kindly took the steward by the hand, as he thanked him for this renewed instance of the interest he took in him.

As for my land, I have never asked my steward how many acres I have.

" "Sir Edward Moseley, and you, honorable gentlemen, will pardon me," replied the steward, in his own solemn key, "this is the first time I was ever out of his majesty's county of Norfolk, and I devoutly wish it may prove the lastGentlemen, I drink your honorable healths.

As before, he ordered his steward to fill the sacks as full as they could carry, with every man's money in them, for he would not take his father's money; and further ordered that his silver drinking-cup should be put in Benjamin's sack.

Says he, "You'll find the steward in yonder, and he'll show you the cabin Sir John is to occupy."

Rustici further paved the way to a life free from care by appointing a steward of his estate whose duty it was to see that his money-box, to which he went whenever he wanted anything, always had money in it.

" "Me?" interrupted the unfortunate steward.

"And the Lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely.

Captain Lane called the steward, sent for glasses and wine, and, as soon as they were placed upon the table, closed the cabin door, and found himself alone with his strange visitor.

" "You miserable scoundrel," said the astonished Mr. Nugent, addressing the shrinking steward; "you infernal old reprobateyouyouI didn't think you'd got it in you.

" He stepped into the room and, tapping the steward on the chest with a confidential finger, backed him into a corner, and having got him there gave an expressive wink with one eye and gazed into space with the other.

" "Follow the steward below; Senor Estada wishes to see yougo just as you are.

The countess dismissed the steward with thanks, and desired him to tell Helena she wished to speak with her.

"You see, he don't know that we know each other," explained the apologetic steward, "but I don't like leaving you in the kitchen.

" "Is it dangerous?" faltered the steward.

Unlock the furthest line Of guest-chambers; and bid the stewards there Make ready a full feast; then close with care The midway doors.

Lady Kirkbank told the steward to say not at home to everybody, just as if she had a street door.

Hearing this, Palladius thanked the steward, and then, well bethinking himself, called for armour, a horse, and guide, and armed all saving the head, went to Kalander, who had banished food and sleep as enemies to mourning, and said, "No more, no more of this, my Lord Kalander, let us labour to find before we lament the loss."

"Said 'e couldn't leave you, I s'pose," guessed the steward, gruffly.

"All right!" vociferated the steward.

"Odd!" repeated the steward, somewhat crustily.

From a poor man, poor in Time, I was suddenly lifted up into a vast revenue; I could see no end of my possessions; I wanted some steward, or judicious bailiff, to manage my estates in Time for me.

Then Joseph commanded the steward of his house to fill their sacks with wheat as much as they might receive, and the money of the wheat put it into every man's sack, and take my cup of silver, and the money of the youngest, and put that in his sack.

Our Lord bids us copy the unjust steward, and make ourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness.

87 Verbs to Use for the Word  steward