6 Verbs to Use for the Word stiffs

" "Then the first thing up," Chan Heminway suggested, "is to bury the stiff.

Evans' party started first this morning; for an hour they found the hauling stiff, but after that, to my great surprise, they went on easily.

" "I got the big stiff on the run!"

He praised their fortitude in the struggle, and after the editor had interpreted stiffs by te tamaiti aroha e, which means poor children, and scabs by iore, which means rats, and had ended with a peroration that brought many cries of "Maitai!

Dr. Hoffman spent the afternoon having X-ray photographs of the joint made, and sat up all night trying to figure out how those bones could be set so they would knit and still not leave the joint stiff.

They piled the stiffs outside the door; They made, I reckon, a cord or more.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  stiffs