19 Verbs to Use for the Word straights

BRUTUS was taking a "whiskey straight," Which I didn't think orthodox; While GRANT, with his usual zeal for sport, Seemed busy with fighting Cox!

"There ain't any manner of use going into something we ain't got the whole straight of.

The muscles of the calf of the leg, acting on the thigh bone, above the knee, keep the body from falling forward, while another set in front of the thigh helps hold the leg straight.

To this intent her passport straight was drawn, And in a whirlwind forth of hell she came: O'er hills she hurls, and scours along the plains; The trees flew up by th'roots, the earth did quake for fear; The houses tumble down; she plays the devil and all: At length, not finding any one so fit To effect her devilish charge as I, She comes to me, as to her only child, And me her instrument on earth she made:

The Frenchman loves his native wine; The German loves his beer; The Englishman loves his 'alf and 'alf, Because it brings good cheer; The Irishman loves his "whiskey straight," Because it gives him dizziness; The American has no choice at all, So he drinks the whole blamed business.

She instinctively pictured a straight left to be something like an open door into which the victim had stepped in the dark.

Many, however, would prefer their stock straight.

"I was ridin' down the ole Milk Ranch Trail when I looked up and seen a bobcat lopin' straight for me.

She had only needed some such impetus to send her straight to Waring.

"Fatherhood," Oliver said, setting the record straight and sipping his pint.

"If, dear friends, you've got a penny (If you haven't steal one straight), Go and buy the best of any Penn'orth that you've bought of late.

An expert pilot, who knew the chart of the opera world, who would steer her straight and keep her off the rocks.

I been keeping it back, but now I'll tell you the straight of it.

In the moneth of December, Anno 1583, there arriued in the towne and Iland of Ormus, foure English men, which came from Aleppo in the countrey of Syria, hauing sailed out of England, and passed thorow the straights of Gibralter to Tripoli a towne and hauen lying on the coast of Syria, where all the ships discharge their wares and marchandises, and from thence are caried by land vnto Aleppo, which is nine dayes iourney.

I'll bet you" "I never seen a girl that could throw anythin' straight.

The 6. of Nouember, perceyuing not any hope of more trafficke for vs with those of Bantam, wee hoised anker and set sayle, setting our course towardes the straight of Sunda.

That's the year I won nineteen straight!

Never mind about the bally head-work, but next time you're out troop-leading try to steer a course somewhat approaching the straight.

In 1880 he married in California, Mrs. Fanny Osbourne, of whom he wrote: "Steel-true and blade-straight, The great artificer made my mate.

19 Verbs to Use for the Word  straights