7 Verbs to Use for the Word strayings

Then the blackness,woe is me!" Stormy clouds delirious straying, Showers of snowflakes whirling white, And the pallid moonbeams waning Sad the heavens, sad the night!

I am aroused again by a sort of choking snort from Tou Tou, who is beside mea snort that seems compounded of mingled laughter and pain, and, looking up, detect Bobby in the act of deftly puncturing one of her long bare legs with a long brass pin, which he has found straying, after the vagabond manner of pins, over the carpet.

Wife, go to, have regard to what you say; Let not your words pass forth the verge of reason, But keep within the bounds of modesty; For ill-report doth like a bailiff stand, To pound the straying and the wit-lost tongue, And makes it forfeit into folly's hands.

The trappers encamped that night on the edge of a wide grassy plain, which offered such tempting food for the horses that Pierre resolved to forego his usual cautious plan of picketing them close to the camp, and set them loose on the plain, merely hobbling them to prevent their straying far.

But I'll try to quit straying.

Common | Sense went | on, Many | wise things | saying; While the | light that | shone, Soon set | Genius | straying.

He took this virgin straying in the field For all the nuns and every covent fled The dangers that attended on our troops:

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  strayings