20 Verbs to Use for the Word subdivision

Mr. Hamilton deprecated the subdivision of this great and important question, which the house had reserved for another session.

"The Section, made thus §, is sometimes used to mark the subdivisions of a discourse or chapter.

A few words, however, will be necessary to explain more particularly the subsequent subdivisions here adopted.

Those kinds which include no other subdivisions than the sexes, or various breeds, are called, in technical language, species.

The first gave the names of the various branches of each industry, classifying these as minutely as possible, because the names indicating subdivisions of labor are, generally, so different in the two countries that the actual "matching" of occupations, desirable for a perfect comparison, is impossible.

Full distance in column of subdivisions is such that in forming line to the right or left the subdivisions will have their proper intervals.

It was unable to mould the widely different and too independent subdivisions of the empire into a homogeneous whole, and to crush the selfish particularism of the estates.

Both which (to omit all subdivisions) in excess or defect, as they are abused, or degenerate, cause melancholy in a particular kind, as shall be shown in his place.

Nothing but an ideal Christian equality, which we have been getting farther away from since the days of the Primitive Church, can prevent this subdivision of society into classes from taking place everywhere,in the great centres of our republic as much as in old European monarchies.

This process consists partly in producing a fine subdivision of the particles of fat, called an emulsion, and partly in a chemical decomposition by which a kind of soap is formed.

The increased use of machinery, the character of which is such as often to put an end to small enterprises, has promoted this subdivision by accumulating workmen in large groups.

EXERCISES A. Write out subordinate propositions proving the main subdivisions.

As the astrologers range the subdivisions of mankind under the planets which they suppose to influence their lives, the moralist may distribute them according to the virtues which they necessarily practise, and consider them as distinguished by prudence or fortitude, diligence or patience.

These patrols remain in observation until the advance guard has passed, when they rejoin the nearest subdivision, as quickly as possible working their way to that to which they belong during the halts.

The powers specially vested in me by the act laying certain duties on distilled spirits; which respect the subdivisions of the districts into surveys, the appointment of officers, and the assignment of compensations, have likewise been carried into effect.

A, a medullated nerve fiber, showing the subdivision of the medullary sheath into cylindrical sections imbricated with their ends, a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus is seen between the neurilemma and the medullary sheath; B, a medullated nerve fiber at a node or constriction of Ranvier, the axis cylinder passes uninterruptedly from one segment into the other, but the medullary sheath is interrupted.

The Scandinavian heroes might have divided the country among them, and have spread the feudal subdivision of regality from Hudson's bay to the Pacifick ocean.

The number of books of voyages and travels, as well general as particular, is extremely great; and, even if the whole were at once before the Editor, it would too much distract his attention from the division or department in which he is engaged for the time, to attempt studying and abstracting every subdivision at once.

Independently of these modalities, of these states, which form the basis of the system, Delsarte traces triune subdivisions, which serve as a point of convergence; thus the intermediary rays of the compass or mariner's card are multiplied, and receive special names, without ceasing to belong to one of the four cardinal points.

The titles given to certain chiefs of rex (king), dux (duke), graff (count), brenn (general of the army), only defined the subdivisions of that power, and were applied, the last exclusively, to those engaged in war, and the others to those possessing judicial and administrative functions.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  subdivision