30 Verbs to Use for the Word subscribers

"] Jack Nugent gave evidence in the case, and some of his replies were deemed worthy of reproduction in the Sunwich Herald, a circumstance which lost the proprietors a subscriber of many years' standing.

Do they go about asking subscribers, or what?"

Off he set on a tour to the north to procure subscribers, "preaching in most of the great towns as a hireless Volunteer, in a blue coat and white waistcoat, that not a rag of the Woman of Babylon might be seen on me."

He had gained two hundred and fifty subscribers; he had distributed twelve hundred copies of the paper.

After dinner, Sir Allan said he had got Dr. Campbell about an hundred subscribers to his Britannia Elucidata, (a work since published under the title of A Political Survey of Great Britain,) of whom he believed twenty were dead, the publication having been so long delayed.

Eighteen years older than he was when he wrote that, Addison now prepares by a series of Saturday Essays,the Saturday Paper which reached many subscribers only in time for Sunday reading, being always set apart in the Spectator for moral or religious topics, to show that, judged also by Aristotle and the "critics nicer laws," Milton was even technically a greater epic poet than either Homer or Virgil.

To the Senate: The bill "to modify and continue" the act entitled "An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States" was presented to me on the 4th July instant.

This first specimen [of a new series] is flat and pert enough to justify subscribers, who grudge at t'other shilling.

First, from the corporation's standpoint, it is a matter of business prudence to have its purpose and powers defined: (a) to enable it to secure subscribers to its stock, as no one would like to risk his money blindly; and (b) because thus only can the directors be held to accountability.

It is the perfection of the devices for connecting one subscriber with another, and for despatching the vast number of messages and calls at "central," that make modern telephony possible.

MR. A. STEWARD, Canandaigua, Dear Sir:I notice a paragraph in the "Ontario Times" of this date, making the announcement that you are preparing "a sketch of events occurring under your own observation during an eventful life," to be entitled, "Twenty Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman;" and that you design soon to make an effort to obtain subscribers for the book.

But it was soon asked, why the burthen should fall exclusively on the well-affected; and the houses improved the hint to ordain that all non-subscribers, both in the city and in the country, should be compelled to contribute the twentieth part of their estates towards the support of the common cause.

The humorist wrote him this answer and printed it: "Old subscriber: Finding a spider in your paper was neither good luck nor bad luck for you.


NOTICE | | | | If you can not conveniently raise subscribers enough to | | entitle you to a machine, as a premium, send what you can, | | with two dollars for each subscriber so sent, and the | | balance in cash for such priced machine as you so desire, | | when the paper and the machine will be sent as directed.

The excitement among the military somewhat abated when it was ascertained that the Prince and Princess were receiving the "first working subscribers" to the National Pension Fund for Nurses.

At the anniversary held on the 4th of August, 1815, the committee made a report, that the asylum was opened on the 4th of January last, and that twenty children had been admitted, to which number they recommended the subscribers to ballot for the admission of eleven others, the funds being adequate to support that number, with the four shillings per week.

When in Rochester a short time since, soliciting subscribers for this work, I stepped into a distillery and asked a man to subscribe for it.

* I cannot, in gratitude for the facilities afforded to myself, as well as for a more obvious and public reason, dismiss this Preface without congratulating men of letters on the establishment and increasing prosperity of the London Library, an institution founded for the purpose of accommodating subscribers with such books, at their own houses, as could only be consulted hitherto at the British Museum.

If the subscription is sent in for one's self, no acknowledgment is necessary, for the next issue of the paper is sufficient to tell the subscriber that her money and order have been received.

For all such we would advise the subscribers to write direct to the publishers, (to save time) and they will nearly always send a duplicate, if they do not send it let us know.

In Ireland, deterred no doubt by the harsh punishment of Emlyn, there was natural hesitation in avowing such latitude; but in 1721 a division began in Ulster between those who insisted on 'subscribing' the creed anew and those who opposed; and a few years later the 'non-subscribers,' being excluded from the Synod, formed a new Presbytery which in course of time became distinctly Unitarian.

He wanted, by an able exposition of the condition of the treasury, to steady the public credit which was beginning to totter, to bring in fresh subscribers for the loans which were so necessary to support the charges of the war; he wanted at the same time to call to mind the benefits and successes of his own administration, to restore the courage of his friends and reduce his enemies to silence.

w Family Ask YOUTH'S COMPANION, NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS, BIG PAY, To agents who agree to charge subscribers $1.75 we will give a BIG commission (same as last year) for new subscribers, or you can send $1.75 and we will return or credit the discount, as you prefer.

He had advertised in 1756 a new edition of Shakspeare which was to appear by Christmas, 1757: but he dawdled over it so unconscionably that it did not appear for nine years; and then only in consequence of taunts from Churchill, who accused him with too much plausibility of cheating his subscribers.

30 Verbs to Use for the Word  subscribers