372 Verbs to Use for the Word success

I have never achieved success in growing these nor Beets.

His first visitor was the marshal, who wished him all possible success in his new mission, and, if Grevy was pleased to be the President of the Republic, the marshal was even more pleased not to be, and to take up his private life again.

What might have been a weakness in the first position, was a mighty asset in the latter one, and he had won an immense success.

Other importations were made, from time to time, by way of the Isthmus, and, though great pains were taken to insure success, about one half usually died on the way.

This artist, whose name Madame de Genlis does not mention, is called Koch; he has not any knowledge of music, but owes his success entirely to a natural taste.

I think the course of events has fully justified his action, and now that it has proved such a success, every one claims to have taken the initiative of the French protectorate of Tunis.

General surprise has been expressed at the comparative ease and speed with which the revolutionary movement has attained success in driving the Manchus from power and in founding a republican régime.

Having thus done all that a commander could do to ensure the success of the day, he rode back to the high ground from which he could command a full view of the battle, and with a face calm and serene waited for the French attack.

Conflict for power between Antony and Octavius; Cicero's oration secures Octavius' success in Rome.

The ten thousand troops gave confidence to the loyalists and promised success for the coming campaign.

Cavour now followed up these successes by advising a course calculated to give them consistency and endurance.

On the British left Divisional Front, to the west of us, they gained a large initial success, and pushed us back well behind our first line of guns.

"Then suddenly the great idea that was to bring him success, and cost him his life, came to him.

During the last four or live years a few spirited English noblemen have made the experiment of breeding foreign deer in their parks, and have obtained such a decided success, that it may be hoped their example will induce others to follow in a course which will eventually give to England's rural scenery a new element of beauty, and to English tables a fresh viand of the choicest character.

They thus went on at cross purposes, till he confirmed his refusal in a manner not to be misunderstood; while I sat quietly by, and enjoyed my success.

She could also write, "I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse.

If ever a man deserved success it was he,

Entering thus late upon the stage of national politics, they devoted themselves, with their accustomed thoroughness, to learning and bettering what they conceived to be the principles and the practice which had given success to other nations.

With this book he scored a success.

Col. Aldrich did not pretend to be much of an orator, and in his speech of acceptance he stated that while he was not endowed with as much oratorical ability as some of his associates on the ticket, yet he could work as hard as any one, and he promised that he would sweat at least a barrel in his efforts to promote the success of the ticket.

However, that advantage has not in any case prevented American success.

"The Fatal Falsehood" was also much admired, but did not meet the same success, being cruelly attacked by envious rivals.

Let us assume that she makes the same success of Morocco that she has made of her other possessions, of, say, Tunis, which represents one of the most successful of those operations of colonial expansion which have marked her history during the last forty years.

They also reported continued successes in Bosnia.

Thus they wait in patience for, while they command success, and the end of their toil is an old age of competence, and in the closing years of life, quiet and repose.

372 Verbs to Use for the Word  success