8 Verbs to Use for the Word suddenness

"Interjections are words used to express emotion, affection, or passion, and imply suddenness.

But to-daydistinctlybreaking in with brawling impassioned suddenness upon my consciousness....

"None of your" he began hotly, but checked himself with choking suddenness and strode heavily from the room.

Thorndyke spoke in an even, impassive tone which struck me as rather strange, considering the suddenness of the tragedy, as did also the complete absence of surprise in his manner.

Now that Aunt Victoria yielded with so disconcerting a suddenness, she faced with a pang what lay beyond.

He felt strangely reluctant to move; the fatigue he had for a time shaken off returned with puzzling suddenness and threatened to overpower him.

Before you thought of spring, Except as a surmise, You see, God bless his suddenness, A fellow in the skies Of independent hues, A little weather-worn, Inspiriting habiliments Of indigo and brown.

In 1861 he produced "Fathers and Sons" ("Otzi i Dieti"), a story that stirred up a storm the suddenness of which is difficult to imagine in the light of recent events.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  suddenness