5 Verbs to Use for the Word summe

When the Marchant hath broken his mind to one of these brokers or Tareghe, they cary him home to one of their Shops, although he hath no knowledge in Iewels: and when the Iewellers perceiue that hee will employ a good round summe, they will make a bargaine, and if not, they let him alone.

And he shall finde the partie he requires, And yet not find the summe of his desires.

More overthrowne and deeper in dispaire Than is the manner of your heavie smart, My carelesse griefe doth ranckle at my hart; And, in a word to heare the summe of all, I love and am beloved, but there-withall

And for because that at my departure from Pegu, Opium was in great request, I went then to Cambaya to imploy a good round summe of money in Opium, and there I bought 60.

The voyages into many of these Ilands belong vnto the captaine of Malacca: so that none may goe thither without his licence: which yeeld him great summes of money euery yeere.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  summe