9 Verbs to Use for the Word superficie

Wales contains a superficies of 4,752,000 acres; of which 3,117,000 are cultivated; 530,000 capable of improvement, and 1,105,000 acres are unprofitable land.

I therefore now return you thanks for the notice which I have received from you, and which I consider as giving to my name not only more bulk, but more weight; not only as extending its superficies, but as increasing its value.

It should be observed that the area thus stated is 0.011 less than the total foreshortened superficies of the ninety-six mirrors if sufficiently wide to come in perfect contact at the vertices.

"There is just as much gold in thy ring as sufficeth to gild handsomely a like superficies of brass, which is not saying much.

Contrary to that of Archimedes, who holds the superficies of all waters even. 590.

Otra allá, con el cabello suelto sobre los hombros mecíase suspendida de la rama de un sauce sobre la corriente de un río, y sus pequeños pies, color de rosa, hacían una raya de plata al pasar rozando la tersa superficie.

That clairvoyance which consists in the ability to perceive not alone the superficies of things as ordinary vision perceives them, but their interiors as well, is analogous to the power given by the X-ray, by means of which, on a fluorescent screen, a man may behold the beating of his own heart.

This is how I calculate: Exteriorly the island of Back Cup, which is as nearly as possible circular, measures two hundred and fifty yards in circumference, and presents an interior superficies of about six acres.

He who has seen only the superficies of life believes every thing to be what it appears, and rarely suspects that external splendour conceals any latent sorrow or vexation.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  superficie