15 Verbs to Use for the Word suppliants

Was it ever known that a man exalted into a high station, dismissed a suppliant in the time limited by law?

A PRAYER (Chant Royal) O MIGHTY Queen, our Lady of the fire, The light, the music, and the honey, all Blent in one Power, one passionate Desire Man calleth Love'Sweet love,' the blessed call: I come a sad-eyed suppliant to thy knee, If thou hast pity, pity grant to me; If thou hast bounty, here a heart I bring For all that bounty 'thirst and hungering.

The general himself led an expedition against Antiochus on the plea that he had not delivered up the suppliants, but really because of his money, of which he had vast stores.

The restless youth searched all the world around; But how can Jove in his amours be found? When tired at length with unsuccessful toil, To shun his angry sire and native soil, 10 He goes a suppliant to the Delphic dome; There asks the god what new-appointed home Should end his wanderings and his toils relieve.

Each deity not only promises but actually grants the suppliants precisely what they ask; for Arcite, though fatally wounded, is victorious in the battle, and Palamon in the end weds Emily.

Though he nowhere states the fact, Martyr must at this time have known the Genoese suppliant for royal patronage.

Go, thou, and all the others, And pluck green branches from the budding trees To mark you suppliants.

That is a common one, which all men have almost in a body approved of and adopted; in this manner:"That all men should rise up on the appearance of their elders; That all men should pity suppliants."

Oh little Christ, why do you weep, Why flow your tears so sore For pleading France, for praying France, A suppliant at God's door?

I would again have raised the dear suppliant from her knees; but she would not be raised, till my softened mind, she said, had yielded to her prayer, and bid her rise to be innocent.

Paul, standing by the table with two paraffin lamps placed behind him, saw each suppliant in turn, and all the while he kept up a running conversation with the more intelligent, some of whom lingered on to talk and watch.

But you cannot send me away until I have been heard in my place, not a suppliant as I am now, but with the rightful audience that each member has always had....

Acute consciousness of the past (I thought), and (I even fancied) some penitence for a wrong by no means past undoing, were in every sensitive inch of her, as she sat a suppliant to the old player of that part.

In such a cause, on such a mission, she would have stood at the Sprague door a suppliant until even the obstinacy of her father would have relented.

Not content with having seen him, as it were, a suppliant at his feet, he imposed upon him the hard condition of leaving his territories in his rear exposed to the enemy, and declaring by this long march to meet him the necessity and distress to which he was reduced.

15 Verbs to Use for the Word  suppliants