7 Verbs to Use for the Word surer

"Now I begin to feel surer that God really trusts me," she said, "since he is going to let me have a child of my own.

As the road went deeper into the hills, the solitude and quiet grew even more penetrating and certain,so certain in these grand old mountains that one called them eternal, and, looking up to the peaks fixed in the clear blue, grew surer of a world beyond this where there is neither change nor death.

Black Tom was coming, coming surer and unless that flag, that "Rebel rag," were hauled down under twenty-four hours, Black Tom would come over and pull it down, and to that same poplar hang "Captain Mayhall an' his whole damn army."

The longer I live the surer I become that we scientists can't probe everything.

Terrence, who chanced to be in Washington, greeted the president with: "Now Misther Prisident, we'll whip the British sure.

Did they, skirting the north of the Arabian desert, repose under the scattered palm-trees,or rather, wandering among the mountains of Assyria, find surer and colder shade?

But all agree about the harmony: and when a Newton discovers a single rule of it for us, he but makes our assurance surer.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  surer