46 Verbs to Use for the Word switch

"Because I threw off the switch, sir," he explained, "when I came out to get the shutters.

"Find the light switch, Frank," Jack whispered.

"One of the first and most important requests I have to make," said Whittam presently, "is that none of you touch the switches, except by direction.

I didn't know what running the gauntlet was, but after pa had told me he should disown me from that moment, I said I was willing to run any gauntlet, so they all cut switches and formed in two lines, and let me run down between them.

" The upper corridors of the great sleeping house were brightly lit; on her way to me she had turned on every electric switch her hand could reach; and as we passed the final flight of stairs to the floor below, I heard a door shut softly and knew that Mabel had been listeningwaiting for us.

But in a moment of fatigue, or because he had to work inhumanly long hours of work, which exhausted all his nervous elasticity, or for other reasons, the switchman forgets to set the switch and causes a railroad accident, in which people are killed and wounded.

In his right hand he held a little riding switch with a metal head.

On his pressing down a switch, which he did for my benefit, the whole interior of this globe became flooded with those curious lambent violet rays, which have altered so many of our previous notions on the subject of light and its power.

" CHAPTER II AN UNUSUAL LAD Professor Gray turned to the box and began moving the metal switch arms back and forth, thus tuning in more perfectly as indicated by the increased and clearer sound and the absence of interference from other broadcasting stations, noticed at first by a low buzzing.

She went boldly snapping electric switches, for her going was a sort of assertion of her right to independent action.

[Enter SCHOOLMASTER, carrying a switch.] MASTER (flourishing switch).

The slaves were then each given a switch, rawhide, strap or whip, and each one was compelled to cut at the poor victim as he ran around the ring.

" So Rollo applied his switch, and the horse trotted on fast.

He began to pull switches, override safety indicators, and turn power dials to maximum output.

Haines walked up to the head of the siding with him while he opened the switch and accompanied him back to the point opposite the station-house to see that he gave the "stop" signal correctly.

He is cursed all over the four ancient highways of England; none but the blind men that sell switches in the road are beholding to him.

The heavy train thundered in from the west; stopped barely long enough to allow the single passenger to swing up the steps of the Pullman; and went on again to stop a second time with a jerk when it had passed the side-track switch.

I calmly produced my switch and brought it smartly over the shoulders of my refractory pupil in a way that sent the dust in a cloud from his dirty coat, knocked the pen from his fingers, and upset the ink.

"Stay back, Crusoe, and watch my rifle, pup," he cried, and raising his heavy switch he brought it down with a sharp cut across the horse's flank, at the same time loosening the rein which hitherto he had held tight.

Jonesy was panting and wiping the perspiration from his red face, for he had run like a deer to reach the switch in time.

When a fixed line is used, it is better to replace the movable switch by a fixed cast-iron switch, and to let the workmen who drive the wagon push it in the direction required.

I've been looking forward to this moment!" Zip ran the power switch up to maximum and commanded everyone to prepare for acceleration.

His hand seized an electric switch and he pulled it desperately.

The Master snicked the switch of the magnetic-anchor release; and now the last bond that held Nissr to her cradle was broken.

"One would think you blamed Ethie entirely, or at least that you were indifferent to her happiness," she said, removing her lace barb, and unfastening the heavy switch bound about her head.

46 Verbs to Use for the Word  switch