9 Verbs to Use for the Word tattles

The best we can do is as far as possible to banish the tattle from our minds, and, at all events, to keep our own mouths shut.

Lady Kirkbank was a close student of all those delightful books of French memoirs which bring the tittle-tattle of the Regency and the scandals of Louis the Fifteenth's reign so vividly before us: and she had unconsciously founded her manners and her ways of thinking and talking upon that easy-going but elegant age.

But this good lady wants to see men chatting together upon the Pelagian heresy to hear, in the afternoon, the theological rumours of the dayand to glean polemical tittle-tattle at a tea-table rout.

He overheard rude speeches and gossipping tattle; and was made acquainted with some domestic bickerings and feuds; and kindly, though not always discretely, endeavored to check them; but his mediation was repelled as uncalled-for interference.

Well I know the tittle-tattle Of the caustic muleteer, And the Simla seismic rattle Is familiar to my ear.

Perhaps had the Baronet not been afflicted he would have disapproved of this constant companionship, for he would, no doubt, have overheard in society certain tittle-tattle which, though utterly unfounded, would not have been exactly pleasant.

Du. keffen, to yap, to bark, also to prattle, chatter, tattle.

She has not, without pride, related all the little tattle which passed between her and persons of distinction, who, through the abundance of their idleness, thought proper to trifle an hour with her.

I know how to treat such tattle: Leave them, sir, to me.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  tattles