20 Verbs to Use for the Word ten

Why then, I ask, did they give their votes to enlarge the mouth of that grave which has already destroyed its tens of thousands?

This pleasure is very common in children at this stage, but too often it comes to them merely through being shown the "trick" of carrying tens.

Pæsh alla Sainta Ba- 1. cujuscunque forisfacturae quis reus sit hoc tempore, et 2. de quel forfait que home out fait en cel tens, et 3. selg.[BN] da quel sfarfatt que om a fatt en que tem, et 1. venire potest ad sanctum:

The mere size of it dazzles him, and he will keep aces and discard tens, forgetting that you cannot have a sequence of more than four without a ten, and that you can have one of seven without the ace, and that a king is as good as an ace, if the latter is in the discard.

"Is she struck me fuh a ten?"

" There was sincerity in this wish, but Dunwody answered gloomily: "You gave me three tens and a pair of fives, with what I held.

"Ye're verra gude to the lad, ma'am," he said to Mrs. Burnham, who had raised Ralph's head in her arms and was pressing her wet handkerchief against it; "ye're verra gude, but ma mind is to tak' 'im hame an' ten' till 'im mysel'.

You'll know there's never a fifty or a sixty years that doesn't hold the tens and the twenties.

" On February 18 the general sent his aide-de-camp to inform the ten that it would be necessary for them to put their affairs in order as they would be taken to the front for execution, so that the starving soldiers might know their immediate chiefs were not responsible for the condition of the army.

An old one might have killed its tens, its twenties, its hundreds!

He led the ten of spades.

Whereupon I lifted up the ten that Nature gave, and said, "Take them all, if need be.

If he had latterly been receiving tens instead of thousands for his pictures, the fault was his alone.

He was short and fat, with a red mottled face; a model of discretion and imperturbability, who had served Crewe for ten years, and bade fair to serve him another ten, if he lived that long.

One arrow shooteth each man first, and from all the archers shall the ten that shooteth the fairest shafts be chosen for to shoot again.

If whiskey has slain its thousandscorsets have slain their tens of thousands.

Till nurse came up and saw the mess, Took out the kit-tens, and instead Made thought-less Lil-lie quite un-dress, And have her bath and go to bed.

Leaning over, Steve touched the ten of spades lightly.

War has slain its thousands, but alcohol its tens of thousands; and the fortitude which could bear without shrinking the most cruel inflictions of torture, has proved powerless to resist the seductions of strong drink.

With these magnificent ice-characters so vividly before us it is not easy to realize that the old glacier that made them vanished tens of centuries ago; for, excepting the vegetation that has sprung up, and the changes effected by an earthquake that hurled rock-avalanches from the weaker headlands, the basin as a whole presents the same appearance that it did when first brought to light.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  ten