7 Verbs to Use for the Word terrain

That is, to anyone unaware of the strategy of Marshal Foch, who sold terrain by the foot for awful prices in German lives, and held an unbroken front until such time as American forces could be brought into action, instead of wearing out his reserves and weakening his power for an offensive.

OPENING OF THE GREAT BATTLE The following report from the British headquarters covers the period when the Allies' forward movement was halted along the Aisne and also describes the terrain, or country, in which the subsequent fighting occurred: "From Thursday, September 10, the British army made

La place, forte par sa situation et par ses fossés, tous en glacis, a une enceinte de doubles murs bien entretenus, et qui suivent très-exactement les contours du terrain.

Hier, c'étaient deux enfants riant à leurs familles, Beaux, charmants;aujourd'hui, sur ce fatal terrain, C'est le duel effrayant de deux spectres d'airain, Deux fantômes auxquels le démon prête une âme, Deux masques dont les trous laissent voir de la flamme.

To mark Waterloo the Belgians reared a mound of huge dimensions, scraping the terrain far and near to obtain the earth.

Thus literally inch by inch the files stole forward, sheltered in a narrow ditch from the gusts of German machine-gun fire that constantly swept the terrain.

Dans le dessein de détruire cette coutume barbare, il avait prononcé la peine capitale contre tous ceux qui iraient sur le terrain.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  terrain