17 Verbs to Use for the Word thalers

They say in other countries they pay you thalers and thalers for this, but in our country good people punch your head for it.

General von Moltke received three hundred thousand thalers and immense military prestige.

Robert has 12,000 thalers, and shall he give his wife two-thirds?" Robert had already given her four hundred thalers in bonds.

When Prussia lay disarmed, dismembered, and impoverished, the University of Berlin was founded, the government contributing one hundred and fifty thousand thalers a year; and Humboldtthe first minister of public instructionsucceeded in inducing the most eminent and learned men in Germany to become professors in this new university.

The letter contained two hundred thalers, or about one hundred and fifty dollars, which the poor traveler had begged from a rich man for the vicar; and the childlike old man, in joyful amazement, cried out, 'Ah, dear Lord, one dare ask nothing of Thee, for straightway

" Tuesday was a repetition of Monday's splendid business, and brought in the five hundred thalers which he needed the next morning to pay off the mortgage of his friend's house, due that day.

At this time also another friend offered Schumann one thousand thalers (about $760) and he said: "Ask of me what you will, I will do everything for you and Clara."

Each hundred thalers was set by itself, and the result showed six hundred and three thalers, fourteen silver groschen.

Clara describes the new offer: "I must surrender the 2,000 thalers (about $1,500) which I have saved from seven years' concerts, and give it to my brothers.

" Wagner had been supporting her parents, and he borrowed sixty-two thalers more to help them.

"Robert must transfer to me 8,000 thalers of his capital, the interest of which shall come to me, also the capital, in case of a separationWhat a hideous thought!

A grateful nation granted to him four hundred thousand thalers, with which he bought the estate of Varzin.

On his way to his friend's home, he stumbled on another acquaintance who had lent him four hundred thalers on a mere note of hand, and he saluted him with the news that he must try for repayment of that sum on the following Friday, as he required it to pay for a parcel of goods which would arrive that day.

Loest owed the deceased friend five hundred thalers for note, and three hundred thalers for goods just delivered.

" I bid one mark more, and Sölling raised me a thaler.

Bring him to me and prepare him for everythingbut nodo not mention to himthose revolting forty thousand thalers.

At the age of twenty, having saved twenty thalers (about 3l.

17 Verbs to Use for the Word  thalers