17 Verbs to Use for the Word theirselves

So down he set; but he hadn't no mo' 'n took his seat sca'cely when he heerd the child'en in school roa'in' out loud, laughin' fit to kill theirselves.

If they would profit by what they learn they could benefit theirselves.

Some folksmost folks, I'm comin' to thinkjust can't 'elp theirselves.

The first day they frightened more than they killed, but they enjoyed theirselves all right until one gentleman, who 'adn't shot a single thing all day, shot pore Bill Chambers wot was beating with about a dozen more.

"Smith stood 'em 'arf a pint apiece, and they was all outside 'ere fancying theirselves a bit for wot they'd done when we see old man Parsley coming along on two sticks as fast as 'e could come.

Thing they was after was filling theirselves up.

They fuss mongst theirselves and quit sometimes.

Nom [HW: long "o" diacritical] they don't help me a bit, do well helpin theirselves.

It's humane, too, gen'l'men, acause, even if they've stuck in the chimbley, roasting their feet makes 'em struggle to hextricate theirselves.

"The Ku Kluxes war not huntin work theirselves.

White folks hardly knew theirselves.

Now, Mr. Charlton, I'm not one of them air fellers as lets theirselves all off in varses that don' mean nothin'.

As the Negroes didn't have no weapons to protect theirselves, they didn't have no chance.

"Will ye be tellin' me perhaps, then, that them that can't read theirselves is to be set to teach letters?

" Lewis put on 'is coat and waistcoat and set off, and Mr. Cutts and Smith, arter feeling about for a dry place, set theirselves down and began to smoke.

"They're going to amuse theirselves, I expect," ses Sam "music-'alls and such-like.

* THE TIN PEDDLER Jason White has come ter town Drivin' his tin peddler's cart, Pans a-bangin' up an' down Like they'd tear theirselves apart; Kittles rattlin' underneath, Coal-hods scrapin' out a song, Makes a feller grit his teeth When old Jason comes along.

17 Verbs to Use for the Word  theirselves