106 Verbs to Use for the Word thirsting

In the bed of the creek, up and down in every direction, squads of men sweating in the sunhere, where for untold centuries herds of leisurely and majestic moose had come to quench their thirst.

But now there wasn't much time to slake thirst.

Antar was impatient to press forward, and satisfy his thirst for battle; but, lo!

Water he gives his nurslings first, Ere he allays his own deep thirst; Lest, if he first the water sip, He bear too far his eager lip.

"I drink," he cried, "to Liberty and Equality!" Some of the little fathers also drank, to assuage an hereditary thirst.

Of what happened I can give no account except that I cried for help several times as well as I could, for the pain and burning thirst had the upper hand.

In the summer, people usually drink either to cool themselves, or to gratify a thirst which is wholly artificial.

Between the Lines As the sun slowly sank behind the hills in the west, I forgot the thirst and the hunger which had assailed me.

Oh, Claude, do you fancy that I, of all men, do not feel at moments the thirst for brute vengeance?" Claude was silent.

Anyhow, I guess you got a thirst on you," said the man in the mackinaws.

Indeed, the mere reading about football matches and the like created an unquenchable thirst in cowboys and sheep-herders.

It irritates and dries the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, producing an unnatural thirst which becomes an enticement to the use of intoxicating liquors.

Whereby through the extreame heat we endured great thirst, so that at that time a draught of water abord our ship was worth a Riall of 8.

They could think only of their past wrongs, and of satiating the thirst for vengeance, which had grown to a madness by previous restraint.

Shall I have the pleasure of filling you a glass in honour of our old campaigns?" "Nick alway dryWyandotté know no thirst.

The smell of roasting meat pricked my hunger, and I realized that the salt air had given me a noble thirst.

Their shattered corslets yield defence no more At length they breathe, defiled with dust and gore; Their gasping throats with parching thirst are dry, Gloomy and fierce they roll the lowering eye, And frown defiance.

And as the water was cool, and as the king had been suffering greatly from thirst, the draught of water relieved the sagacious monarch and appeased his thirst.

It was agreed that on Saturday night next, the three, dressed in citizen's clothes, were to go to the home of the farmer, enter his cellar and secure enough apple jack and hard cider to alleviate the thirst of Captain Bones, during his stay in the neighborhood.

Still the sufferer, though calmer, continued to ramble as beforecomplained that his veins were filled with molten leadentreated them to plunge him in a stream, so that he might cool his intolerable thirst, and appeared to be in great agony.

This last is a kind of fruit about the size of a nut, and is chewed all over India to sweeten the breath, and is supposed to carry off phlegm from the stomach and to prevent thirst.

Now as along the sultry waste they move, The keenest pang of raging thirst they prove: No cooling fruit its grateful juice distils, 125 Nor flows one balmy drop from crystal rills; For nature sickens in th' oppressive beam, That shrinks the vernal bud, and dries the stream; While horror, as his giant stature grows, O'er the drear void his spreading shadow throws.

They squatted on the ground, squeezed close to one another to warm themselves, ate cold rice, and suffered thirst because none of them would fetch water.

what bounds your pride shall hold, What check restrain your thirst of pow'r and gold?

Only a few tins of food remained and the water was wholly gone; the liquid from the food cans only served to increase their thirst.

106 Verbs to Use for the Word  thirsting