4 Verbs to Use for the Word thrifty

"That is undeniable, if she loves this thrifty Prince, as indeed I do not question my wife does.

He, too, could have told a tale not without its strong features of a shiftless set, constantly borrowing, constantly squandering, constantly provoking the thrifty to accumulate unguarded properties.

They blot out the memory of those at home, where men are free to go and come; where war has not robbed the thrifty of food.

Marechal Schomberg, to whom the impertinent steward, on committing a fault, said, "Parbleu, on me prendra pour un Allemand!" would long ago have set them to rights with his answer, "On a tort, on devrait vous prendra pour un sot!" To be, not to seem, is still the fairest feature in the character of myI had almost said nationof my quiet, thrifty, contented, diligent, honest countrymen.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  thrifty