49 Verbs to Use for the Word throw

We walked to the address given in the lettera low divenot a stone's-throw from one of the biggest hotels west of the Rocky Mountains.

When Sir Richard came, he found stout William, puffed up by the shouts of his friends, walking up and down the ring, daring anyone to come and try a throw with him.

After some rumination Sir Cautious accepts and Gayman wins the throw.

"Well," he called after me as I started across the open space between the gate and the houses, a stone's throw away, "you've had an experience anyway.

"It is for his sake that I am making this last throw; for my boy's, Falconer.

Cirencester House stands but a stone's throw from the railway station, but is hidden from sight by a high wall and a gigantic yew hedge.

In the opposite direction another leads up under the shadow of an old church, and joins the Route de Billères, which, starting from the Bordeaux road, passes the Villa Lacroix and other handsome houses, and descending throws off another branch into the Bayonne road.

This supplementary valve is worked by a double ended lever, slotted at one end for the reception of a pin on the valve link, the position of which in the slot determines the throw of the supplementary valve, and the consequent degree of expansion.

"His face is very grim and determinedhe throws across another lever and the low hum of the motor changes into a deep-throated roar.

If they pitch pennies on the walk I am careful to go about, for fear that I distract the throw.

Wagner should have been an easy out, and the game would have been over if Merkle had not dropped a throw to first base.

Now, tyranny, exalt thy brazen front Throw every shame aside!

But the breadth of the city scarcely exceeds a stones throw.

I have heard, there has been Between some married pairs, such sympathy, That th' Husband has felt really the throws His Wife then teeming suffers, this true grief Confirms, 'tis not impossible.

I am swolne big with child of vengeance now, And, till deliver'd, feele the throws of hell.

A warning cry from his coach, however, checked him in full speed, and he whirled about to see that Sleepy, foreseeing the throw from right-field as soon as the ball left the bat, had sauntered over behind the third baseman, had stopped the wild throw, and now stood waiting for the base-runner to declare his intention before he threw the ball.

There were some scorers who gave the batter but three bases on the hit, insisting that Wilson, who was then catching for New York, should have got the throw to the plate and retired the batter.

Nearer and nearer sounded the howls, until it was easy to see a dozen fierce eyes gleaming in the darkness, not a stone's throw away from the camp.

He observes, that the opinion of some, that the "Claik geis growis on treis be the nebbis, is vane," and says he "maid na lytyll lauboure and deligence to serche the treuthe and virite yairof," having "salit throw the seis quhare thir Clakis ar bred," and assures us, that although they were produced in "mony syndry wayis, thay ar bred ay allanerly be nature of the seis."

The lasses, skelpin barefit, thrang, In silks an' scarlets glitter; Wi' sweet-milk cheese in monie a whang, An' farls baked wi' butter, Fu' crump that day. When by the plate we set our nose, Weel heapèd up wi' ha'pence, A greedy glowr black-bonnet throws, An' we maun draw our tippence.

I was beyond the houses, in a path which ran among tobacco-sheds and little gardens, with the river lapping a stone's-throw off.

A most ingenious device in this machine is the arrangement for automatically lengthening the throw of the feed while stitching around the eye of the button hole.

The largest actual girth I have ever found at five feet from the ground is in the great elm lying a stone's throw or two north o

Sir Bale did as he bid him, and sat down; and taking the box he presented, they began throwing turn about, with three dice, the copper-faced old man teaching him the value of the throws, as he proceeded, with many a curse and oath; and when he did not like a throw, grinning with a look of such real fury, that the master of Mardykes almost expected him to whip out his sword and prick him through as he sat before him.

"He lives not a stone's-throw from us.

49 Verbs to Use for the Word  throw