71 Verbs to Use for the Word toast

So Colonel Musgrave filled a glass with the famed Lafayette madeira of Matocton, and solemnly drank yet another toast.

"Don't finish up your cocoa," he began, "because, before we dissolve the Alliance, I'm going to propose a toast.

The Governor gave a last toast "Let us drink," he called, "to Dulcinea's champion and the fortunes of his journey."

And if you don't butter that toast before it gets cold it won't be fit to eat." He looked at her steadily now, again smiling.

Esther tried to eat some toast and choked.

After dinner he was introduced to meAdmiral Glynna charming man, said his last recollection of W. was making his toast for him and getting a good cuff when the toast fell into the fire and got burnt.

And, after the waiter bringing him toast and tea from a neighboring restaurant had brought an additional slice and cup for the guest, it was pleasant to behold him smiling across the office-table at that guest, and encouraging her to eat as much as she would if a member of his sex were not looking.

Have ready some buttered toast; place on a dish, spread with the mixture and set in the oven until melted.

" Then had followed the toast, which was long remembered for its dauntless spirit.

They moved to the champagne table and drank toasts before departing in a convoy for the yacht club in Friday Harbor.

Toast-making is not a French art and the chateau chef was obliged to remain at the hospital and spend his time carefully preparing the toast and seeing that it was served in good condition.

The President then announced the second toast: "The Judiciary of the United States:

" The young engineer munched his toast and drank his coffee for some moments in silence.

If cream for moistening the zwieback is not obtainable, a little juice may be reserved without thickening, and heated in another dish to moisten the toast; of if preferred, the fruit may be heated and poured over the dry zwieback without being thickened, or it may be rubbed through a colander as for Apricot Toast.

It appears he likes thick toast in preference to thin, and thick soups; also that a habit he has of taking Welsh rarebit and stout for a late supper when he sits up alone is not good for his digestion and is to be discouraged.

At the banquet, in the Town Hall, the healths of the QUEEN and of M. CARNOT were followed by a lengthy speech, in English, from my brother CARAMEL (we have sworn fraternity), in which he declared that the centuries looked down and redazed in this joice, and that it was a delight for him to carry a toast to the illustrious visitor who had deigned to come to Blancheville.

Madame Warrington calls the toast of "The King" stoutly every day; and on Sundays when Harry reads the Service, and prays for all travellers by land and by water, she says, "We beseech Thee to hear us," with a peculiar solemnity.

It had been agreed that Sandoval, who possessed the most oratorical ability, should deliver the last toast as a summing up.

Here, in old Shirley, he put down the cup from which he had right loyally drunk the colonial toast, "The King!

Our friend Ernest raised himself on his tiptoes, in hopes to get a glimpse of the celebrated guest; but there was a mighty crowd about the tables anxious to hear the toasts and speeches, and to catch any word that might fall from the general in reply; and a volunteer company, doing duty as a guard, pricked ruthlessly with their bayonets at any particularly quiet person among the throng.

Never leave toast-and-water to make until the moment it is required, as it cannot then be properly prepared,at least, the patient will be obliged to drink it warm, which is anything but agreeable.

When the young blood upon the table offered the toast, Cedric sprung as if shot to the table, where he staggered and would have fallen, had it not been for the youth who bore him up.

I was hearing this account, when the youth came into the kitchen, to order the thin toast the landlord spoke of.

Let the frightened toaster turn first to the key word of his topic in this dictionary alphabet of selections and perchance he may find toast, story, definition or verse that may felicitously introduce his remarks.

He finished the toast and held the mug of tea on his chest with both hands.

71 Verbs to Use for the Word  toast