8 Verbs to Use for the Word tombe

à la porte du bouge, Chacun de ses rayons entrait comme un fer rouge; Comme s'ils accouraient à l'appel du soleil, Cent moustiques suçaient la plaie au bord vermeil; Comme autour de leur lit voltigent les colombes, Ils allaient et venaient, parasites des tombes, Les pattes dans le sang, l'aile dans le rayon; Car la mort, l'agonie et la corruption Sont ici-bas le seul mystérieux désastre

Moreouer, ouer the body they haue built a tombe of speckled stone a brace and a halfe high, [Marginal note:

Besides, he deliuereth vnto him a couering of greene veluet made in maner of a pyramis, about nine palmes high, and artificially wrought with most fine golde, and this is to couer the tombe of their prophet within Medina, which tombe is built in manner of a pyramis: and besides that couering there are brought many others of golde and silke, for the ornament of the sayde tombe.

She earnestly entreated she might have A sight of it and dayly be permitted To deck thy tombe and statue with sweet flowers: Shee's but even now departed to that end, And will (I know) be quickly here agayne.

XIII SILENCE Tout à coup on se tait; ce silence grandit, Et l'on dirait qu'au choc brusque d'un vent qui tombe Cet enfer a repris sa figure de tombe; Ce pandémonium, ivre d'ombre et d'orgueil, S'éteint; c'est qu'un vieillard a paru sur le seuil; Un prisonnier, un juge, un fantôme; l'ancêtre! C'est Fabrice.

A moins que tu ne penses peut-être, parceque l'oeil de l'homme n'a rien vu au-delà de la tombe, que cette vie n'ait pas de suite.

By that same river lurking under greene, Eftsoones* he gins to fashion forth a place, 650 And, squaring it in compasse well beseene**, There plotteth out a tombe by measured space: His yron-headed spade tho making cleene, To dig up sods out of the flowrie grasse, His worke he shortly to good purpose brought, 655 Like as he had conceiv'd it in his thought.

In this Monasterie we saw the tombe that M. T. Cicero was buried in, with Terentia Antonia, his wife.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  tombe