7 Verbs to Use for the Word toothbrush

He capered whooping home to his villa, told Mrs. Freddy to pack her toothbrush and come along, and the mail bore them hence.

I can carry a toothbrush and a comb, and Mummy will have heaps of nightgowns.

It is like Peer Gyntthe "Morning" thing on the gramophone, you know; he clinks a toothbrush against a mug, he pours out water.

"Say, do you know where I can buy a folding toothbrush?" She hadn't told her mother yet of their first quarrel, but she took refuge in a flood of tears.

He reached Europe on a tramp-steamer with an overcoat, a toothbrush, two clean handkerchiefs, and three large cameras.

I haven't unpacked my toothbrush yet.

Her taste did not run in the direction of white fox cloaks, named diamonds, and imperial jade plates; she did not use a solid gold toothbrush with emeralds set in the handle, like Ismail Pacha; bridge did not amuse her at all, nor could she derive pleasure from playing at Monte Carlo; she did not even keep an eighty-horse-power motor-car worth five thousand pounds.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  toothbrush