7 Verbs to Use for the Word totems

"Clan totems we take from our parents, but a man may choose his own totem.

He carve her totem at the top of the pole, then his totem and those of the family are carved below.

Therefore, as Frazer suggests (38), "a chief object of these initiation ceremonies was to teach the youths with whom they might or might not have connection, and to put them in possession of a visible language, ... by means of which they might be able to communicate their totems to, and to ascertain the totems of, strangers whose language they did not understand.

It consisted of seven representative, and four symbolic devices, denoting the totems, or family names, of two heads of families, while encamped here, and their success in hunting and fishing.

"She come back and smell posy?" Having no answer ready, Ted changed the subject and asked: "Why do you have the raven at the top of your totem pole?" "Indian cannot marry same totem," said Kalitan.

Yet as husband and wife had different totems, and children took their mothers' totems, a man might in rare instances, even with this barrier, wed his own daughter.

Therefore, as Frazer suggests (38), "a chief object of these initiation ceremonies was to teach the youths with whom they might or might not have connection, and to put them in possession of a visible language, ... by means of which they might be able to communicate their totems to, and to ascertain the totems of, strangers whose language they did not understand.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  totems