25 Verbs to Use for the Word toto

I was going to ask you soon toto marry me, Gloria.

I don't say it ain't all right to kid her along, but when it comes toto keeping me out of thethe biggest thing that can happen to a girlwhen gramaw wouldn't know the difference if you keep showing her the bank-bookit ain't right.

I had gone toto the room again for my little bag; for the keys were in it, and I dared not leave them.

And Jim Scraggs said that he found a knife that looked like the one wot belonged toto" the lad hesitated.

"Kurt Dorn, don't dare toto say that again!"

Even ifif I pretended to forgive himI couldn't possibly endure toto go on as if nothing had happened.

Will you undertake for me the task of explaining toto my dear wife the situation in which I am placed?" "I will do my best," said John.

" "Oh, I knew, and so did grandmother, that you were innocent, whatever might just possibly have happened toto" "Mr. Smithson"

she tid not hesitate toto" The little man's face was bathed in sweat at the memory of that degradation, which his tongue refused to describe.

Why didn't you think about my reputation before you hired that horrible Jumbo toto" Perry tossed up his hands hopelessly.

I must hurry back toto my troubles.

"Do you think he means toto?" The man nodded.

"Oh, ever so different, from thisthis saucy fellowmodest, timid, shy; needing ever so much encouragement toto" "Claim their due?"

"My father will not overlook the indignity toto myto his future son-in-law.

And so the buckett stands for the well; And 'tis, least you should counte mee for a sot O, A very pretty figure cald pars pro toto.

Nonne Romani sine Deo vestro regnant et fruuntur orbe toto, et vos et Deos vestros captivos tenent, &c. Minutius Octaviano. 6641.

Then Your Highnesswishes to speak toto the King of Prussia? PRINCE.

I got to thinking about Coblenz, mama, howyou never did want him, and when II went and did it, anyway, and made my mistake, you stood by me toto the day he died.

Was it within the bounds of possibility that James Tapster had tried toto kiss her?

"And from this you judge that he wants the money toto" "Yes," she said, not waiting for me to finish.

At any rate, that's what every one said every one else was doing, and advised me toto get a situation doing the same.

" "That's why, mama, wegot toto do it up right.

What are you to him, or he to you?" "I was his prisoner, and I broke forth toto" Amy hastily endeavoured to recall what were best to say which might save her from Varney without endangering her husband.

And since my daughters marriedwell, as I tell you, Mr. Starkey, I've done pretty well in businessthere's really no reason why I should keep on in my shop, if I chose toto do otherwise.'

You compel me toto" "Scorn and despise you!"

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  toto