2 Verbs to Use for the Word traghetto

Dawn was growing over the water, and the gray and oily surface of the lagoon was closely dotted with gondolas, distinct and black in the morning twilight; they came sweeping on from San Nicolò and Castelloblack and red, breast to breastgathering impetus as they neared the Piazzetta, in numbers which must have left every traghetto of Venice deserted; Nicolotti and Castellaniallies, since they never had been friends!

"And many a fare I pay to light the traghetto of San Nicolò; with an ave for the favor of the Blessed Mother to confound the scoundrel Castellani, who threw a good Nicolotto over the Ponte Senza Parapetti, in the last fight; and it cost us oil enough to light Venice for a yearfaith of San Nicolò!to keep them from winning at our regattamaledetti!"

2 Verbs to Use for the Word  traghetto