39 Verbs to Use for the Word ultimatum

Austria sent an ultimatum demanding a reduction of the Sardinian army to a peace footing, This demand was refused.

Events would probably have relieved Mary from the necessity of presenting her ultimatum, and she might never have heard that illuminating word "Morocco."

" Having delivered her ultimatum on the subject of Sunday work, Mrs. Corbett became quite genial.

Having issued her ultimatum to Russia, Germany naturally mobilized, but what kind of diplomacy is this in which, with the principals both ready to negotiate, a third party issues an ultimatum couched in such terms that a proud country can give but one answer?

On January 10 the Greek government accepted the ultimatum of the Allies, providing satisfaction to them without interfering with the administration of the country or local communications.

It is because you are not a member of 'The Will of the People,' that you have never heard of 'The Red Priest'red because I wrote my ultimatum to the Czar in the blood of one of his victims knouted in the fortress of Peter and Paul, and priest because I preach the gospel of freedom and justice.

As early as the spring of 561 Flamininus, who continued to have the decisive voice in the senate as to eastern affairs, had expressed the Roman ultimatum to the envoys of the king, Menippus and Hegesianax; viz.

Then followed the ultimatum, and finally the declaration of war.

" Finally, the smaller States gave their ultimatum to the larger States that unless representation in both branches of the proposed legislature should be on the basis of equalityeach State, whether large or small, having one votethey would forthwith leave the convention.

On January 9 ministers of the Entente Powers handed to the Greek government an ultimatum giving Greece forty-eight hours to comply with the demands contained in the note drawn up by France, Great Britain and Russia on December 31.

It was then, after receiving such explanations as these, after receiving the ultimatum of France, and after M. Chauvelin's credentials had ceased, that he was required to depart.

So these two at best rather puerile pretexts upon which to base an ultimatum from a powerful nation to a weaker one lacked even the merit of truth.

In the final negotiations for peace, he persisted against his instructions in making the New England fisheries an ultimatum, and saved them.

" The girl stood with bent head for a long minute, as Lillian flared out her ultimatum, then she lifted it and looked steadily into Mrs. Underwood's eyes.

By common consent it was at once styled an ultimatum.

Nearly four weeks later, on July 23, the Austro-Hungarian government, fixing responsibility for the assassination upon Servian intrigues, presented to Servia a number of demands which formed a very drastic ultimatum, requiring compliance within forty-eight hours, with the alternative of war.

To return to the last trial of strength between the two groups of European Powers, it is interesting to note that Professor Oncken denies German participation in formulating the ultimatum to Serbia, or that Germany was aware of its contents.

We used all to sit round here, in this very hall, me and the diplomats, and play games, such as 'Ultimatum, ultimatum, who's got the ultimatum.'

It certainly must have been exasperating for the general of the Continental Congress to be reduced to such expedients as tying a grandiloquent ultimatum to an arrow and shooting it into the beleaguered town.

I knew that I could have done nothing else but walk out after Dicky uttered his humiliating ultimatum.

He wished now he had never let his pride hurl forth that ultimatum on the wedding night, because he would have to stick to it!

Long and earnestly did the pair discuss the perils that menaced them, and at the end of their deliberations Elenko sought the Bishop, and briefly imparted the Princess Miriam's ultimatum.

I had accompanied the noble squadron, English and French, which carried to the Sicilian government the ultimatum of the King of Naples.

But his efforts were useless, for Germany had launched an ultimatum (July 31) to Russia, demanding demobilization.

A committee was appointed to meet six lawyers, and were in despair when they learned the ultimatum of the great Dictator.

39 Verbs to Use for the Word  ultimatum