20 Verbs to Use for the Word un

"You wasn't thar, and Unc' Pros was gone, an' I thest worked the farm and took care of mother an' the little 'uns best I knowed how.

J'en cite quelques-uns, "tout venant," comme disent les carriers.

At last I asks a poor, broken-down ting, dat hab all her young uns sold away from her only a day or two afore, if she know anyting 'bout my young un, and she tells me dar hab been a sale ob a dozen young uns, on de plantation, and she sees massa, long afore day-broke, pack dem into a wagon, and dey carried off.

"But it's h'ad wuk ter larn a ole dog new tricks, er ter make him fergit de ole uns, an' po' Ben's time come bimeby, jes' lak ev'ybody e'se's does.

"Nobody's asked my opinion," observed Shade Buckheath, who made one of the family group, "but as far as I can see there ain't a thing to hurt young 'uns about mill work; and there surely ain't any good reason why they shouldn't earn their way, same as we all do.

De next morning, afore de broke ob day, massa and de trader comes round to our cabin, and seeing Phillis at de door, putting de young uns to rights, and clarin' up a little, 'fore we goes out to de field, de fierce man cracked his whip, and jumping ober de young uns, caught Phillis by de arm, and whirling her round and round, called out, 'I say, mister,

Aw know some odd uns i' this delph at never tastes fro mornin' till they'n done at neet,an' says nought abeawt it, noather.

'T any rate, I don't know as I think much of a king that'll give away a hull great gob uh land he never seen, and give it to one fellermore 'n that feller could use in a hull lifetime; more 'n he would ever need fer his young 'uns, even s'posin' he had a couple uh dozenwhich ain't skurcely respectable fer one man, nohow.

"Would you like another situation, Cobbs?" "Well, sir, I shouldn't object if it was a good 'un."

De next morning, afore de broke ob day, massa and de trader comes round to our cabin, and seeing Phillis at de door, putting de young uns to rights, and clarin' up a little, 'fore we goes out to de field, de fierce man cracked his whip, and jumping ober de young uns, caught Phillis by de arm, and whirling her round and round, called out, 'I say, mister,

Il n'a jamais eu l'imagination bien vive, ni ce feu d'esprit qu'on remarque dans quelques uns,....

There's very few women that can judge character, and if you started to try and settle something at once they'd just set you down as a wrong 'un.

" "Well, men in the regular frog-raising business couldn't go about it as slow as that," said the other, "though I have shot a few o' the big uns that way, 'cause they was too tricky to be grabbed with my hand net.

And these few pindling present-day district-schools scattered here and yan they only spiles the young uns for work, and hain't no improvement on nothing.

I didn't tell you to throw good 'uns over, did I?

"Turn yer 'ead and yer a dead 'un!"

Thar be young 'uns an' young 'uns," he elucidated, "but they be tartars!

While the old folk were working the larger young uns mongst the children would take care of the little ones.

D'ye min' the time 'e jumpit on the carriage an' went doon wi' the rest o' them to bring oot the burnit uns?

And he did use to run to paddock-gate when he wur a little un, and I wur a-goin' to feed chickenhe'd know my very foot, and he'd come prancin' to meet I, and put his little nose in the bucket.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  un