16 Verbs to Use for the Word underfoot

For thirty seconds she kept the hold, while the bull plunged wildly in his efforts to trample her underfoot.

But unerringly he trod the rude bridge underfoot, gained the other side without mishap, tossed down his bundle, and lowered himself from the log after it.

Malays, Lascars, Hindus, Chinese, Japanese, Burmansthe whole gamut of racetints, from saffron to tar-blackare twisting and writhing round it, while their vermilion, cobalt, amber, and emerald turbans and head-cloths are lying underfoot.

Days grew into weeks, and the snow was growing soft underfoot before he dared venture forth short distances from the camp alone.

One of the foremost, who met the captain's bullet, was carried stumbling his own length before he sank underfoot; as the Mausers flashed from between the sand-bags, another and another man fell to his knees or toppled sidelong, tripping his fellows into a little knot or windrow of kicking arms and legs; but the main wave poured on, all the faster.

Some loose dirt gave way underfoot, the tired beast stumbled, a dead limb caught at his legs, tripping him, and Blackie lurched downward and fell.

He kicked the loose fluffy stuff underfoot.

The time is seven years laterseven years and a half, rather; the season, spring; the hour, eight in the morning; and the place, a corner of Culvercoombe, where Miss Sally's terraced garden slopes to meet the wild woodland through an old orchard billowy overhead with pink and white blossom and sheeted underfoot with blue-bells.

They are light treaders, the split-feet, so that the solitary camper sees their eyes about him in the dark sometimes, and hears the soft intake of breath when no leaf has stirred and no twig snapped underfoot.

The ground, at any moment, might heave, break, and spring up underfoot.

So one or the other of the two splendid brutes that now approached each other in the narrow way must turn aside or be beaten down underfoot.

They waxed weary of slaying, so that they trod the Romans underfoot.

It was a dree night, the owd bracken underfoot damp an' sodden, an' th' tall firs looking grim an' gho-ostly in th' gloom.

The snow was crisp, crunching underfoot; sunny days had thawed, clear, cold nights had frozen, and the crust had begun to form.

He has crushed underfoot every dream and vision save this alone, to be seen in the company of Preferment."

It served to support her weight at least until she felt the ladder underfoot.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  underfoot