7 Verbs to Use for the Word users

It does not fail to hurt the user if it also hurts the party against whom it is used.

11, King James VI., do condemn the monuments and dregs of the bygone idolatry, as going to crosses, observing the festival days of Saints and other superstitious and Papistical rites, to the dishonour of God, contempt of true religion, and fostering of great error among the people; and ordains the users of them to be punished for the second fault as idolaters, Act 104, Parl.

Although these operating systems make computers easier to use in some ways, they prevent users from gaining access or command over its more intricate processes.

Erasto comes to her aid with a magic ointment, which has the power of rendering the user invisible, and with the help of which she achieves her task unharmed.

The average boy proved himself too little amenable to discipline, too inclined to "sass" the telephone-users, and too careless.

The Association further desire to inform their patrons that they have also invented a PATENT AUTOMATIC SHOWER-BATH AND WASH-HAND-STAND, that will forcibly seize the user, thoroughly souse him from head to foot, scrub, wash, and dry him.

And as the years go by my respect and reverence and wonder increase for these men of elemental lives, these horny-handed toilers with physical things, these uncomplaining users of brawn and bone, these giants who breast the elements, who till the earth and handle iron, who fight the natural forces with their bodies.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  users