10 Verbs to Use for the Word vampires

Dressmakers, you know, are acknowledged vampires.

Already my cry of indignation had aroused the vampire from his orgy.

It is in fashion among a tribe of bats to which belongs the so-called vampire of India.

Then all the camel-guard of Gaznak laughed hideously, disturbing the vampires that were asleep in the measureless vault of the roof.

The only method of keeping off the vampire yet employed in stables is light; and a lamp is usually kept burning there.

Zeus knows thee not, thou vampire, draining dry.

"Remember those vampires, Doctor.

"A natural born heart-breaker," he said to himself as he went toward the bunk-house, "a genuine, full-grown vampire, part intentional an' part because it's in herbut

And when such dead walk so, it is a poor chance they do not turn out vampires.

The youthful one has just got clear of his old home and its restraints, and is delighting in his freedom, when up walks the vampire, strikes him a blow on his defenceless head, knocks the life out of him, and then sits down to a dinner of soft-shell crab.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  vampires