90 Verbs to Use for the Word variation

From the appearance of the flood-marks, Goyder came to the conclusion that there was little or no rise and fall in the lake, drawing the natural conclusion that its size was such as not to be influenced appreciably by flood waters, but that it absorbed them without showing any variation in its level.

She put all her quick, young mind and avid soul into the struggle to receive, though piercingly aware every instant of the difference between her attire and that of the women who had bidden her there, noting acutely variations between their language and hers, their voices, their gestures and hers.

Mrs. Hill had already been blessed with nine olive branches, all girls, and had confided to Mrs. Sykes that if the tenth presented no variation, she didn't know what on earth Hill would dohe having acted so kind of wild-like last time.

This produces a variation in the appearance, but is merely in addition to what is otherwise marvelous in the extreme.

Whether or not the pituitary will be able to enlarge in its bony cradle seems to be the most important factor determining these variations.

" There are great ways of borrowing, as EMERSON said, and in his new Fantasy Sir JAMES BARRIE has given us a very charming variation on A Midsummer Night's Dream (with echoes of Peter Pan and The Admirable Crichton).

When they arrived I examined each separately, and cross-examined them in the best manner I was able; I could find no variation in their account, and I was quite convinced that the murder had taken place.

We experienced great variations of weather on the Plateau.

Now here, I at once saw, was a telescope to be used, and a definite point of view, admitting no variation, from which to use it.

You cannot count those endless vials on the mantlepiece with any hope of making a variation in their numbers.

Mr. Falkland, who was most painfully alive to every thing that related to his honour, saw these variations, and betrayed his consciousness of them now in one manner, and now in another, frequently before I was myself aware, sometimes almost before they existed.

Similarly, the daily ratios of right to wrong choices as exhibited in tables 5 and 6 indicate smaller variations for the third problem than for the second.

It goes further and explains its variations.

There are individuals with ovaries who show every deviation from the feminine and there are individuals with testes who exhibit every variation from the masculine.

He sighed a philosophic sigh: "But man is never satisfied..." Liane had got her second wind and was playing variations on the theme of the famous six bottles of champagne.

These Italians constituted the great corporation of money-changers in Paris, and hoarded in their coffers all the coin of the kingdom, and in this way caused a perpetual variation in the value of money, by which they themselves benefited.

He now saw the moon without those spots in it which made him formerly attribute the variation to dense and rare.

Saturday brought a slight variation in the early morning routine.

On their recovery, they played before the Prince of Orange, and Wolfgang composed some variations on a national air, which was, just then, sung, piped, and whistled throughout the streets of Holland.

The other treaties, far less important, inasmuch as the situation of all the losing countries was already well defined, especially as regards territorial questions, by the Treaty of Versailles, are cast in the same mould and contain no essential variation.

The tea-tree loves to grow in valleys, at the foot of mountains, and upon the banks of rivers, where it enjoys a southern exposure to the sun, though it endures considerable variations of heat and cold, as it flourishes in the northern clime of Peking, as well as about Canton; and it is observed that the degree of cold at Peking is as severe in winter as in some parts of Europe.

I will, in terror of public opinion and private wrath, execute a small variation on my usual and familiar autograph, and sign myself PICADOR.

This instrument cannot be used to follow variations of temperature, but indicates clearly the moment when a particular temperature is attained.

This arrangement once made, and Mr. Benfield notified of it, was unalterable, the old man holding a variation from an engagement a deadly sin.

Mr. Fox and Robespierre must settle these trifling variations at the general congress of republicans, when the latter shall (as they profess) have dethroned all the potentates in Europe!

90 Verbs to Use for the Word  variation