158 Verbs to Use for the Word veins

He professed himself willing, in case I had any foolish scruples against mixing my blood with that of brutes, to purify my own, and put it back; but I obstinately declined both expedients; whereupon he opened a vein in my arm, and took from it about fourteen ounces of blood.

And my trusting heart will answer while it fills my veins with fire That to hear of, is to see thee; and to see, is to desire!

"It would scarcely be possible to pierce the hand here without striking a vein.

There was, however, running through her character a vein of what might be called emotionalism.

A careful examination showed a four-foot vein of soft coal.

Our pessimists, by indulging their natural vein, serve us, without reward, quite as well as Germany is served by her wireless press.

One of her first attempts, also, to find her proper vein as an author was a translation from the French of the "Letters from a Lady of Quality to a Chevalier," with a "Discourse concerning Writings of this Nature, by Way of Essay" for which the translator was responsible.

This inhumanity is, we believe, now everywhere abolished, and the calf is at once killed, and with the least amount of pain; a sharp-pointed knife is run through the neck, severing all the large veins and arteries up to the vertebrae.

For they were a musical family, and knew what they were about, when they sung a Glee or Catch, I can assure you,especially Topper, who could growl away in the bass like a good one, and never swell the large veins in his forehead, or get red in the face over it.

When necessity requires, they will ride for ten days together without victuals, subsisting upon the blood of their horses, by cutting a vein and sucking the blood.

The divining-rod has long been in repute among Cornish miners, and Pryce, in his "Mineralogia Cornubiensis," says that many mines have been discovered by this means; but, after giving a minute account of cutting, tying, and using it, he rejects it, because, "Cornwall is so plentifully stored with tin and copper lodes, that some accident every week discovers to us a fresh vein.

A grisly troop are seen, The painful family of Death, More hideous than their Queen: This racks the joints, this fires the veins, That every labouring sinew strains, Those in the deeper vitals rage: Lo, Poverty, to fill the band, That numbs the soul with icy hand, And slow-consuming Age.

I am on her side all the time when she is giving me light comedy, but when she leaves that vein and bathes her heroine in tears I cannot conjure up any real sympathy.

We will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free!

You cannot help loving the touch of my hand, Mercy,"and a certain sad pride lighted Stephen's face at the thought of the clinging affection which even now stirred this woman's veins for him,"any more than you can help having ceased to trust me.

I rested my ear over his heart, detecting no murmur of response; touched the veins of his wrist, but found there no answering throb of life.

But underneath, uncalled upon as yet, lay that vein of perseverance as unyielding as the granite of his native hills.

The first scorches up the entrails as with fire; the second slays by freezing every vein, and benumbing every nerve; the third by frantic convulsions.

While the men were preparing the tents, etc., the Governor proceeded to examine the vein of lead, which we traced to a greater distance than on the former occasion of its discovery, the water having sunk two feet, exposing many portions of the vein which were before covered.

At the bottom of the wound will now be seen the glistening white sheath, containing the vein, artery, and nerve.

I caught it last week passing a ship-chandler's shop, and it set my veins throbbing again with the sense of conflict, and I caught myself tensing my muscles for a death grapple.

15. holds the mesaraic veins to be a sufficient cause alone.

Bring forth a block, wine, water, and towel; Knives, and a surgeon to bind up the veins Of Gloster's arm, when his right hand is off His hand that struck Skink at the Parl'ament.

It was a downward, oblique stab in the throat which had pierced the larynx and penetrated the jugular vein.

He could not cross a vein of gold or of silver.

158 Verbs to Use for the Word  veins