16 Verbs to Use for the Word viewpoint

The new social spirit has changed the critical viewpoint concerning authors as different as Wordsworth, Keats, Ruskin, Dickens, and Tennyson.

Close to Nevada, they reached a famous viewpoint, and Nick took Angela off her pony that she might stand near the edge and see the white torrent plunge over an unthinkable abyss.

Once the telephone began to be used as a substitute for the telegraph in conveying messages, the telegraph officials awoke to the fact that here, possibly, was a dangerous rival, and dropped the viewpoint that Bell's telephone was a mere plaything.

In this speed-hungry age Casey had not escaped the warped viewpoint which others assume toward travel.

An editor could just as well express his own viewpoint as that of the owner.

She forgot her viewpoint and her delicacy.

He has got the Holiday Hill viewpoint all at once.

I congratulate you on the rapidity with which you succeeded in understanding Irish conditions and grasped the Irish viewpoint.

I know it's impossiblefrom your viewpoint.

Only fools cling to convictions; wise men are ready to meet new viewpoints.

I miss this poor fellow's materialistic viewpoint.

" I must say I saw the girl's viewpoint.

For a man who never missed an opportunity to force his attentions, he was showing an amazingly ethical viewpoint.

He had thought the condescension all on his part, but eight hours of airing his heels in the outer purlieus had altered his viewpoint a trifle.

How he always understood and took the big, broad viewpoint!

If she had ever doubted the Carrol viewpoint, she had never given her lack of faith any scope.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  viewpoint