90 Verbs to Use for the Word vigor

Some of the men were sick and all had lost their vigor.

the animated form, the body instinct with vitality, changing and changing as time sweeps along, till the spirit that gave it vigor and comeliness, and power and beauty, is called away, and it becomes at last mere dust and ashes.

It is meant to possess vigor, decision, insight, hope, and intellectual power.

These little horses, but thirteen hands high, showed more vigor and endurance than any other of the animals we had with us.

The rest and sleep of the preceding night has restored our general vigor, and consequently has invigorated the stomach, so that digestion will be more easily and perfectly accomplished.

She was not only beautiful, but prolific, and retained her vigor, and apparently her beauty, to the time of her death, when she was nearly forty years old.

Then he grew very redthen hideously palethen, as if highly amused with what I had insinuated, he began a loud and boisterous laugh, which, to my astonishment, he kept up, with gradually increasing vigor, for ten minutes or more.

Remove slavery, and the country, the whole country, will recover its natural vigor, and our peace and future prosperity will be placed on a more extensive, safe, and sure foundation.

To the "Intelligencer" young Mr. Gales brought such vigor, such talent, and such skill in every department, that within two years, in 1809, he was admitted by Mr. Smith into partnership; within less than a year from which date, that gentleman, grown weary of the laborious life of the press, was content to withdraw and leave him sole proprietor, editor, and reporter.

When Virginia stood sustained in her legislation by the pure and philosophic intellect of Pendletonby the patriotism of Mason and Leeby the searching vigor and sagacity of Wythe, and by the all-embracing, all-comprehensive genius of Thomas Jefferson!

The principles of liberty would have struck deeper root in the free states, and have derived fresh vigor from such a triumph.

On the contrary, it seemed to regain a new vigor in the small states which surged up about the Iberian Peninsula.

If Louis Napoleon is so removed from conversation with reality as not to perceive the colossal satire implied in his gift, it will soon require more vigor than he possesses to keep astride the Gallic steed.

Cicero, not remarkable for political firmness, in this crisis displayed a vigor worthy of his earlier days.

German counter-attacks were frequent, but lacked the vigor and success of former efforts on this front.

He was placed, indeed, in a most critical situation; but he bore himself with great presence of mind, and summoned to the emergency a resolution which difficulties could not shake, and brought into exercise energies which gathered vigor from hindrance, and rendered him insensible to fatigue, and unappalled by danger.

Where men such as Sniatynski or Lukomski find live springs from which they draw their motive vigor, I find dry sand.

It is to throw fresh vigor and intellectual vitality into the services of the Church.

These changes have also had the effect | | to maintain the original vigor of the firm without detaching | | from the maturity of judgment that has marked its | | operations.

His style, whether he is writing or speaking, combines vigor with grace.

Labor then, Most Holy Father, once more to raise up the kingdom of justice, and use the vigor of discipline to humble the wicked and to raise the courage of the good.

The absence of all proof to sustain this attempt to degrade the President, whilst it manifests the venom of the shaft aimed at him, has destroyed the vigor of the bow.

On the contrary, it seemed to be the very thing which cleared the atmosphere of his whole life, and renewed his vigor and energy.

6.On entering France, he says, we found a sprinkling of snow and frost, but on leaving Lyons we left all the wintry weather behind, and travelled on under a hot sun, and bright, cloudless sky, which seemed to impart to us all fresh vigor and spirits.

And yet Mr. Ferret felt, as he looked upon the flashing eye and glowing countenance of Lady Compton, as she recounted a few of the grievous outrages inflicted upon the fair and helpless girl reclining beside herwhose varying cheek and meek suffused eyes bore eloquent testimony to the truth of the relationthat he would willingly exert a vigor even beyond the law to meet his client's wishes, could he but see his way to a safe result.

90 Verbs to Use for the Word  vigor