11 Verbs to Use for the Word vomiting

Phosphorus from Matches, rat Pain in the stomach; Cause vomiting. poisons,etc. vomiting; purging; Strong soapsuds; general collapse.

Tickle the top of the throat with a feather, or put two fingers down it to bring on vomiting, which rarely takes place of itself.

The back part of the throat should be well tickled with a feather, or two of the fingers thrust down it, to induce vomiting.

He is worse and more nasty than a dog, for in his broad descriptions of others' obscene actions he does but lick up the vomit of another man's surfeits.

Vomiting should be immediately excited, and then the vegetable acids should be given; either vinegar, lemon-juice, or that of apples; after which, give ether and antispasmodic remedies, to stop the excessive bilious vomiting.

[material vomited] vomit, vomitus

Small boluses of ice frequently administered will do much good, and doses of dilute prussic acid, from one to four drops in a little water, will generally arrest the vomiting.

I give the anecdotes in my correspondent's own words:A little boy, some twelve years of age, came to me one day with the following message: "My mother wants a vomit from you, sir, and she bade me say if it will not be strong enough, she will send it back."

Give a couple of teaspoonfuls of mustard in a glass of water, to bring on or assist vomiting, and also use the other means elsewhere recommended for the purpose.

A woman, in the said Alexander, swallowed a serpent as she thought; he gave her a vomit, and conveyed a serpent, such as she conceived, into the basin; upon the sight of it she was amended.

Recant What you have said, ye Mungrils, and licke up The vomit you have cast upon the Court, Where you unworthily have had warmth and breeding, And sweare that you like Spiders, have made poyson Of that which was a saving antidote. Egre.

11 Verbs to Use for the Word  vomiting