35 Verbs to Use for the Word wadding

But, Madame, I tell you wad

"How much does this represent in ours, now?" "I can tell you that," said Fullaway, taking the wad of notes and rapidly counting them.

The men gathered round as Celia's deft fingers ripped open the satin covering: a moment later she drew out a wad of folded paper and handed it to the chief.

Iv you will tell me wad dad mague you cry, I will tell youon ma second word of honor'she rolled up her fist'juz wad I thing about dad 'Sieur Frowenfel!'".

"My foreman says your name's Glidden," went on Kurt, cooler this time, "and that you're talking I.W.W. as if you were one of its leaders; that you don't want a job; that you've got a wad of money; that you coax, then threaten; that you've intimidated three of our hands.

" She pulled from her pocket a wad of dark cotton handkerchief, from which she began to untie the imprisoned note.

I'll swear that I found this wad of bills in your pocket, see!" He drew a roll of money from his pocket and flourished it before her as he spoke.

" "O, what wad I gie to be ten times waur, Jeannie!" was the reply.

Why, I daresay those kids would have given me a nice little wad of tobacco money to have told just who took their Sunday-go-to-meetin' suits, but did I peach?

Had ye but spoke ae word" "What gude wad that hae dune?" said the prisoner.

And it was then that he handed me a big wad of wages in advance and told me he wasn't going to need me no more

Dorsey snapped, jerking a wad of money from his own pocket and counting out the amount which he handed to the clerk as stake-holder.

Bud meyou wand to know wad

A stray ray of sunlight, filtering through the swaying boughs of the hawthorn, shot down on the box as the chief lifted a wad of soft paper and revealed a glittering mass of pearls and diamonds.

Doré produced a wad of tissues and dried his eyes.

A screw plug, U, enables the insertion of the fluid, after first pushing an elastic wad of rubber, B, or cork, in the bore near the inner wall of the gun, which wad will prevent the escape of the fluid to the interior, and be sufficiently free to prevent any interference with the pressures.

If Dilly ain't back to-night, or I don't hear from him, I reckon I'll have to draw m' little old wad out uh the bank and pay the sons-uh-guns.

Did you ever see masts more beautifully in line than those, master Fid, or sails that had a fairer fit?" The topman, who rowed the stroke-oar of the pinnace cast a look over his shoulder, and, stowing into one of his cheeks a lump that resembled a wad laid by the side of its gun, he was not slow to answer, on an occasion where his opinion was so directly demanded.

Do not rub off little wads of dough either from the hands or the board and keep kneading them into the loaf; they will seriously injure the uniform texture of the bread.

And again at the Pequot House at New London on the eve of a varsity boat-race, when a Yale crowd shook a big wad of money and taunts at Bob until with a yell he left his usually well-leaded feet and frightened me, whose allowance was dollars to Bob's cents, at the sum total of the bet-cards he signed before he cleared the room of Yale money and came to with a white face streaming with cold perspiration.

He once more shifted the wad of tobacco, as a preliminary to expectorating gravely into the sand floor, and pronounced his sentence with a promptness that savored of relish: "The verdict of the jury is that we hang Jack Allen for killin' Texas and Rawhide, and for bein' a mean, ornery cuss, anyway.

You slam your wad down and I'll cash it.'

But a dishonest man in Brown's position could slip a wad of prepared paper into one of the packages and put the notes into his pocket.

She smoothed out the wad of notes which it contained and counted them with glistening eyes.

He spread in his palm the little wad of greenbacks he took from his pocket; counted them and a few silver pieces.

35 Verbs to Use for the Word  wadding