32 Verbs to Use for the Word walnut

The Visiting Brigadier cracked a walnut and glanced towards the General.

John and Cicely wandered in the woods together and gathered walnuts, and chinquapins and wild grapes.

He ate his walnut, drained his glass, and rose.

This done, he conducted his guests to the house, and placing cold meat, bread, and a jug of ale before them, desired them to fall toan injunction which Blaize, notwithstanding his previous repast of roasted figs and pickled walnuts, very readily complied with.

" Piers was peeling a walnut.

They settle on the branch and knock down a great many walnuts in their clumsy attempts to secure one.

" John, "Did the people find walnuts there, father?" Gen. P. "Some kind of nuts doubtless, my son; but whether walnuts, or hazel nuts, or some other kind, I am unable to say.

"Say, you fellows," he said thickly, "jolly litl' yarnGoblylocks an' Three Bears." Overcome, apparently, by tender recollections he was silent, and fixed the walnuts with a dreamy stare.

In return the man gave me five and a half walnuts!

As a pickle, it is much used in the green state; and grated walnuts in Spain are much employed, both in tarts and other dishes.

No one heeded his fall except his brothers; the gardener came by and gathered the apples and pears, but did not look at the walnut-tree; and when he kicked the fallen walnut with his feet he took no more notice of it than if it had been a pebble.

" "I like English walnuts," said Clara, "they have such thin, pretty shells; and papa, you know, can open them in just two halves with a knife.

"Why doesn't the man shoot 'em?" "He probably thinks it would be of little use, when there are such numbers of the birds; besides, he may prefer losing his walnuts to disturbing them, for rooks are treated with great consideration in England, and there is no such wholesale destruction of birds as is seen here.

Tall poplars and massy walnuts of the richest green shade the clear waters, and there are many picturesque combinations of foliage and ruindeath and lifewhich would charm a painter's eye.

When they had arrived in front of us, the old lady in measured tones of sorrow rather than anger, said: "We rather needed those walnuts" Dear soul!

Morgan had just passed a large walnut, and, in order to resist with advantage, it became necessary to run back about ten steps in order to regain it.

A little beyond this village a peasant woman, whom I met picking up walnuts from the road that was strewn with them, lifted her wide-brimmed straw hat to me as I passed.

of salt to each gallon of water), into which put the walnuts, letting them remain 9 days, and changing the brine every third day; drain them off, put them on a dish, place it in the sun until they become perfectly black, which will be in 2 or 3 days; have ready dry jars, into which place the walnuts, and do not quite fill the jars.

Oliver had planted six walnuts in yogurt containers.

We then make our linen from the hemp, patch up the clothes, prepare the walnuts for pressing, and blanch the chestnuts.

"'Is that our fate?' sighed the walnuts.

But what shall I say of the great spreading walnut whose branches hang right across the stream in our garden in the Cotswold Valley? About the middle of May the walnut leaves resemble nothing so much as a mass of Virginia creeper when it is at its best in September.

PETER PAN DESSERT Cut a banana in four strips, cross two over two in basket-shape, fill centre square with a tablespoon of ice-cream and sprinkle over all some chopped walnuts, pistachio nuts and marshmallows, cut in strips.

A number of other savouries, in which nuts form a part, can be made by substituting grated walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, almond meal, Barcelonas, &c., for peas, beans, lentils, &c., in the previous recipes.

When the floor is well strewn with straw, the father or the eldest member of the family throws a few walnuts in every corner of the hall, pronouncing the words: "In the name of God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen!"

32 Verbs to Use for the Word  walnut