88 Verbs to Use for the Word ware

He had the usual smile of a man who hoped to sell his wares; but to my horror and astonishment, by some process which I could not understand, I saw that he was saying to himself, 'What a dd fool!

Here go birds, squirrels, and red deer, children crying small wares and playing in the street, but they do not obstruct its affairs.

He has beaten out so much of a track down to the village that he can drive in now with horse and cart, but for the most part, he carries his load himself; carries loads of cheese or hides, and bark and resin, and butter and eggs; all things he can sell, to bring back other wares instead.

From the ends of this pole they sling the baskets in which they carry their wares.

For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers will be afraid and will not buy the new man's wares.

This pleasant art of advertising one's wares in one's own children's books was brought to perfection by Newbery, and by Harris, his successor, whose tiny histories are full of reminders of the merits of the corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.

I have wondered as I have observed the housewives lingering at their windowsfor my window also looks upon the parkI have wondered that these melodious street cries are not used generally for calling the wares of wider sale.

He was acquainted with the jeweler, as the latter had been in his town peddling his wares, and he had accompanied him on one of his trips, when Simoun had made himself very amiable indeed, telling him of the life in the universities of the free countrieswhat a difference!

Every Monday morning, the dealer in second-hand goods, who lived under the alley-way, spread out his wares on the sidewalk.

Tradesmen laid down their wares to get a look at him.

It hawked its wares into public notice by sensational articles and personal vilification.

Some of them began praising their wares in broken English; but on the whole, they did not drive a very flourishing business, as the crew merely bought a few cigars, and a little fruit.

Now you want the ring, and will exchange for it your wares.

In these windows that you pass, the merchants have set their choicest wares.

They left their costly wares, and thought only of him.

What, my dear sir, do you say to these resplendent gentlemen? CHANTECLER I say, my dear sir, that these resplendent gentlemen are manufactured wares, the work of merchants with highly complex brains, who to fashion a ridiculous Chicken have taken a wing from that one, a topknot from this.

He invested all his money in a basket of glassware, on which he was to gain so much, and then to invest again and again, till he grew so rich that he would marry the vizier's daughter and live in grandeur; but being angry with his supposed wife, he gave a kick with his foot and smashed all the ware which had given birth to his dream of wealth.

She could not only sing like a lark, and dance divinely, and embroider beautifully, and spell as well as a "Dixonary" itself, but she had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own as won the love of everybody who came near her, from Miss Minerva herself down to the poor girl in the scullery and the one-eyed tart woman's daughter, who was permitted to vend her wares once a week to the young ladies in the Mall.

Mr. Murray was willing to undertake the risk of publishing 750 copies, and thus to allow the author to exhibit his literary wares to the public.

After inspecting their wares she asked for a certain book.

As soon as we have learnt and resolved to buy and enjoy only what is worth having, the sellers of rubbish may put up their shutters and burn their wares.

" He shook his head over it and went on with the uncongenial task of marking down wares which had suffered by being exposed outside too long.

Time passed and one day at noon, a Mahuli girl, who was taking her basket-ware to market, stopped to rest in the shade of the palm tree: and as she sat there, Kora's sister called to her from the top of the tree and asked her to give her a small winnowing fan in exchange for a bracelet The Mahuli girl told her to throw the bracelet down first.

* Simple Simon met a pieman Going to the fair; Says Simple Simon to the pieman, "Let me taste your ware.

It was definitely settled in her mind that she was to market Jarvis's wares.

88 Verbs to Use for the Word  ware