70 Verbs to Use for the Word wedding

The ex-husband attended the wedding, and that same evening announced his engagement to a girl friend of Mrs. Stevenson.

So they canvassed the wedding, and Patsy proposed they transfer the paper to Thursday and Hettyto become a weekly instead of a dailyin a week's time, and celebrate the wedding immediately after the second issue, so as to give the bridal couple a brief vacation before getting to work again.

Her heart felt lighter than it had been for some time when she set about planning the wedding.

It had been Nelly's intention, with the vanity of a true woman, to postpone the wedding a month longer, and then to have it on such a scale as would excite the admiration and envy of all her companions; but Mr. Curtis was too shrewd for this.

is to marry me your other daughter Clara, and to exasperate me, wou'd never let me be at quiet till he had got both of us hither to Cadiz, to grace his Wedding; a Pox of his Invitation, was I so civil to invite him to mine?

The banns having been duly called, there was now nothing to prevent the wedding, which, having taken place, Joseph and his wife settled down in Mr. Wilson's parish, Mr. Booby having given Fanny a fortune of £2,000.

" "Couldn't you arrange the wedding before we leave?" asked Beth.

Negotiating matches, making proposals, and arranging marriages, are affairs confided to the prudence and mediation of certain busy old ladies, who find their account in bringing about weddings, since they receive a regular per centage upon them.

You say that he leads a bad life; consequently we must hasten the wedding.

Ajax described the wedding and the subsequent flitting to Barker's Inlet.

Mrs. Merrick quickly recovered her accustomed spirits during the excitement of those anxious weeks preceding the wedding.

I wish you would omit "by the author of Elia," now, in advertising that damn'd "Devil's Wedding.

She declines a public wedding.

Joy that ne'er was given, Save to the pure, and in their purest hour, 65 Life, and Life's effluence, cloud at once and shower, Joy, Lady! is the spirit and the power, Which wedding Nature to us gives in dower, A new Earth and new Heaven, Undreamt of by the sensual and the proud 70 Joy is the sweet voice, Joy the luminous cloud We in ourselves rejoice!

The king honored the wedding with his presence; and they had nine children (1615-1690).

"I've told him ten times that I am betrothed, which means a wedding.

Babe puts on a wedding.

I remember that wedding as if it were yesterday.

I'm past sixty, and how many weddings I've seen; but I've never seen anything so shameful as this.

This is a phenomenon frequently to be seen at public dinners in country towns, also at the entertainment which succeeds a wedding.

You want a fine wedding.

And to witness the wedding of Miss Gloria, who had never appeared to come down to earth long enough to know that there was such a man as Jim Spalding on the same sphere with herHe managed an uneasy "Yes'm," and backed off toward the door.

At the moment he arrived he found the wedding over and the bride about to depart for the house of her new husband.

"That will be Wednesday, the 18th, and we will fix the wedding for Wednesday the 25th, a week later.

I was informed that the party followed a wedding which had taken place in the morning.

70 Verbs to Use for the Word  wedding