47 Verbs to Use for the Word winners

" "I'll show 'em some day in that office that I can pick the winners for myself, as well as for the other fellow.

Well"Kentish spoke in a stage whisper as he leaned over and rapped the table"I've got the final winner in this house."

But still he was lucky, uncommon lucky; he most always come out winner.

When the cake was finally awarded, the spectators were about evenly divided between those who cheered the winners and those who muttered about the unfairness of the judges.

© 1Dec25, A880586. R105601, 12Jan53, Lilian Holmes Strack (A) Contest winners for prize speaking.

Also, if, next year, we send out Posterior and Posterioress, the winners of the great national four-mile race in 7 18-1/2, and they happen to get beaten, pay your bets, and behave like men and gentlemen about it, if you know how.

Gerald is always hopeful, but his confidence in his ability to spot the winner is dangerous.

Mr. B. J. Warwick has within recent years owned probably more winners at field trials than any other owner, one of his being Compton Bounce.

"What um wants winners, can't see out of?" They went up a flight of stone steps, and were met at the door by a blind waiting-girl, who ushered them into the visitors' parlor.

To ride the winner of the Liverpool seemed to me a final achievement and glory; and had not accident intervened, it is very possible that I might have succeeded in carrying off, if not the meditated honour, something scarcely inferior, such asalas, eheu fugaces!

It was yet impossible to detect any sign indicating the winner.

"Lord Salvesen, the presiding judge, arrived in Aberdeen on Monday night, and gave a winner in the Palace Hotel."Sunday Paper.

We do not know how long afterwards this was written, but it must have been too late to greet the winner on his arrival in Italy; probably it was to be sung at the anniversary or some memorial celebration of his victory.

And they signalled to the place, "Help the winners of a race!

The treaty system as applied after the War has divided Europe into two distinct parts: the losers, held under the military and economic control of the victors, are expected to produce not only enough for their own needs, but to provide a super-production in order to indemnify the winners for all the losses and damages sustained on account of the War.

"I suppose you know the winner of every race," he remarked, quizzically watching Joe Archer, who was blushing and as uneasy as a schoolgirl when nabbed in the enjoyment of an illicit love-letter.

This man, however, was really a very shrewd fellow, well educated, not only in book learning, but in the ways of the world, and seeing that Desmond had resolved to take a desperate chance, the tramp volunteered to land him a winner; he succeeded in so doing.

From a boat a certain distance out in the lake a boy or girl was to be thrown overboard, and, at the same moment, the competitor was to leap in after the one who represented the victim and take him or her to shore, the winners being those who did it in the shortest time.

He would leave seventy dollars ahead or a hundred and seventy dollars ahead, a winner either way.

One swift, sharp cut, the cruel whip hisses through the air, and the black is fairly 'lifted in,' a winner by a nose.

I also had an early evening paper with a summary of forecasts, none of which (as it was to turn out) mentioned the winner at all.

He had named the winners so easily the day before, that now his confidence knew no bounds.

Some must lose to pay the winners.

Blair had encountered defeat most unexpectedly at the hands of Greene, a junior, of whose prowess but little had been known by the handicapper; for, although Blair had done the round in three strokes less than his adversary's gross score, the latter's allowance of six strokes had placed him an easy winner.

[-19-] But when he appeared to be really dead, at last they openly praised the winner and abused the loser and proposed that everything in the world which they could devise be given to Caesar.

47 Verbs to Use for the Word  winners