49 Verbs to Use for the Word woodlands

The leaves were green and the small birds sang blithely, just as they used to do in fair Sherwood when Robin Hood roamed the woodland shades with a free heart and a light heel.

Eight days they journeyed thus ere they reached the woodlands in safety, but when they got to the greenwood glade, they found that Robin had not yet returned.

Donaldson and Bertrand went off to their trapping; Elspeth was braiding her hair, the handsomest nymph that ever trod these woodlands, and trying in vain to discover from the discreet Ringan where he came from, and what was his calling.

After a while Robin looked around him with tear-dimmed eyes and said, in a husky voice, "Now, I swear that never again will I leave these dear woodlands.

We passed many fine farmsthrough open woodlands, which have much the appearance of domainsand across large tracts of sumach, the leaves of which at this season are no longer green, but have assumed a rich crimson hue.

Now they wended their way through an open dale with cottage and farm lying therein, and now again they entered woodlands once more.

Many a man, on many a day, searched the woodland, but none might find him, nor learn where Bisclavaret was gone.

It is necessary that suitable measures be adopted to induce private owners to preserve and protect their woodlands.

It was, in fact, a wild forest country of clay containing much woodland, everywhere covered with scrub, and traversed by various sleepy and shallow streams.

There was no remedy but to cross the woodland and cornfields that for about a league intervened between their position and the highway.

Common in marshes and damp woodlands; Canada to Florida and westward.

Ten years ago in the city of New York me wife died, since when I have been tinkering here in the edges o' the woodland, where I have found health an' friendship an' good cheer.

Yes, the old man was a terror For his fairies and his nonsense, yet the story's someways right; He'd the trick o' hounds and horses to a marveland no error; And to hear him draw a woodland was a pride and a delight; Andwas it luck entirely, Sir, I killed my fox to-night?"

The barn stood very close to uncleared woodland, and the banks ending the woodland showed a decidedly rocky exterior.

Most states have state foresters who examine woodlands and advise the owner just what to do.

Private owners and farmers are coming slowly to realize the grave importance of preserving and extending our woodlands.

The park is of great extent, and contains fine forest trees which form a woodland beneath the hill, so extensive as to afford shelter for innumerable rooks.

Fresh and dewy as morning, yet with a soul of steel and firesurely no lovelier nymph ever graced a woodland.

From this information, he can determine his future income from the forest and the best ways of handling the woodlands.

Magnolia and laurel grew richer and glossier; azaleas were budding; dog-wood twigs swelled; and somewhere, in some sheltered hollow, a spray of jasmine must have been in bloom, because the faint and exquisite scent haunted all the woodlands.

In every direction I saw such traces of havoc as I had witnessed more than once when a Confederate force holding an impenetrable woodland had been shelled at random for some hours with the largest guns that the enemy could bring into the field.

One benefit they consider that they derive from the process is the destruction of the dreaded rattlesnakes that infest the woodland all over the island; but really the funeral pyre of these hateful reptiles is too costly at this price.

In darkness, it seemed darker than any other tract; when the moonlight fell upon its glades and hollows, they looked spectral and awful, with a sort of churchyard loneliness; and even when the blush of the morning kissed its broad woodlands, there was a melancholy in the salute that saddened rather than cheered the heart of the beholder.

I know a magic woodland with grassy rides that ring To strange fantastic music and whirr of elfin wing, There all the oaks and beeches, moss-mantled to the knees, Are really fairy princes pretending to be trees.

The time is seven years laterseven years and a half, rather; the season, spring; the hour, eight in the morning; and the place, a corner of Culvercoombe, where Miss Sally's terraced garden slopes to meet the wild woodland through an old orchard billowy overhead with pink and white blossom and sheeted underfoot with blue-bells.

49 Verbs to Use for the Word  woodlands