5 Verbs to Use for the Word woollen

It is also used to dye woollens of a red colour.

From this narration it is proposed to embrace the manifest advantages which offer themselves for improving the woollen tradethat great staple of Britain's wealth, in manner following: First, then, let an accurate estimate be taken of the number of sheep annually slaughtered in these kingdoms.

We have not yet confessed our sins to him, but we fancy he will be a kindly soul when behind the curtain,would sooner order boiled than hard peas to be put into one's shoes by way of penance, would far rather recommend a fast on salmon than a feast on bacon, and would generally prefer a soft woollen to a hard horse hair shirt in the moments of general mortification.

They had suddenly become fashionable, and threatened to supersede the long-established woollens; and the nation, in its wisdom, first prohibited the importation of these fabrics, and then subjected them to a duty of sixpence per yard.

This liability is increased where very hot water is used: cold water would thus be the best to wash woollens in; but, as this would not remove the dirt, lukewarm water, about 85°, and yellow soap, are recommended.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  woollen