131 Verbs to Use for the Word workman

He kept twenty-four presses at work, employing one hundred workmen, and had sixteen shops for the sale of books in the principal cities of Germany, besides factors and agents all over Europe.

To this sorry pass had the perpetual disputes of peace brought the workmen under stress of war!

" "We pay the workmen you saw good pay.

He was glad when he saw the workman, for he was a friend of the Laplandersa kindly and sociable man, who could speak their native tongue.

Day after day old Geoffrey watched his workmen on the knoll.

I took possession of the station and telegraphs, and then heard from the officials that Bolshevik agents had come to the town and had persuaded the workmen to leave work, to take arms and cut the line to prevent the Allies moving forward, and await the arrival of the Bolshevik force which had retired from Baikal.

The former residence was much too small, and Libussa directed her workmen to build a town on the spot, where they should find at midday a man making the best use of his teeth.

Substitute in turn four words for discharge in the sentence "The judge discharged the prisoner"; two in the sentence "The foreman discharged the workman"; two in the sentence "The hunter discharged the gun"; three in the sentence "The sore discharged pus"; two in the sentence "My neighbor discharged the debt"; two in the sentence "He discharged his duty.

Willis had lighted the lamp: moreover, one might have sent a workman, but when a job was urgent Lister went himself.

This their employers refused to give them, and sent to Wales, where they obtained workmen at the former price.

Springs burst out, like the jet of a fountain, under the stroke of the pick, flooding and driving away the workmen.

Barney sprang forward impulsively and showed the workmen how to handle the plane.

There were in the several forts not only the cannon to arm them, but also considerable quantities of ammunition and other government property; and aware of the hum of secession preparation which began to fill the air in Charleston, Captain Foster in October asked the Ordnance Bureau at Washington for forty muskets, with which to arm twenty workmen in Fort Sumter and twenty in Castle Pinckney.

Just as we got opposite the building a big workman rushed at us and shouted: 'Go backgo back!

We only met a few solitary workmen, who looked back when we had passed, and stopped behind us with an air of astonishment.

But, like all ideals, it requires not only first- rate workmen, but first-rate material to work on; an intelligent and high-minded populace, who can and will think for themselves upon religious questions; and who have, moreover, a thirst for truth and knowledge of every kind.

All these reasons must weigh considerably with those speculative persons who have to ask themselves whether or not Universal Utilitarianism requires that in the particular instance before them they should injure a man who has been of service to them, and rob a fellow-workman of the credit which is due to him.

"It occurs to me he is hiring those poor workmen at low wages and making a profit on all their living necessities, which he reserves the right of supplying from his own store.

And again, The Eye of the master will do more work than both his Hands; and again, Want of Care does us more damage than Want of Knowledge; and again, Not to oversee workmen, is to leave them your purse open.

"That's right, that's noble!" cried the workmen.

Instead of considering merely the question of the production and distribution of articles, his interest lay in the causes necessary to produce healthy, happy workmen.

The chase was kept up until we came within three miles of the end of the railroad track, where two companies of soldiers were stationed for the purpose of protecting the workmen from the Indians.

" Bacon has been censured for this ungallant strategy; but it worked well and saved his workmen from further annoyance.

Soon he heard the beaver workmen over him.

He brought with him four of his negroes, who were sawyers, to help the workmen; and also provisions for them; being resolved not to put the Trustees to any expense; but to bestow his aid in the most free and useful manner.

131 Verbs to Use for the Word  workman