48 Verbs to Use for the Word worry

"No, nothing that you need worry about, Miss Morriston.

But she might have saved her worry.

He had his hot and cold fits, his days of sullenness and peevishness, and occasional mad paroxysms of rage and longing, in which fits his horse would be saddled and galloped fiercely about the country, bringing him back in such a state of despair as brought much worry to his mother and the Major.

Not only that, but his presence would be missed before too long, and he did not want to cause undue worry back home.

"It certainly is not a highly emotional book," she said, and then asked: "Have you any other instructions to give?" "Well, I might give the conventional adviceto maintain a cheerful outlook and avoid worry; but I don't suppose you would find it very helpful.

But he didn't appear to be giving himself any extra worry on account of this thing.

His vivid imagination, the very earnestness and intensity of his character enabled him to throw himself utterly into the spirit of what he saw upon the stage, and to forget in it all the petty worries and disappointments of life.

" Then he heaved a sigh of relief at the prospect of being extricated from this equivocal position, the worry of which he refused to acknowledge.

The scene in the workroom, the revelation of Norine's condition, the fate awaiting the girl driven away into the bleak, icy streets, had revived all his own poignant worries with respect to Valerie.

But abroad in the town there was not enough of this complaisance nor of this passion for mere numerals to prevent worry from creasing the brow of Solon Denney.

I looked forward to sleep to drown out the worries of the daily and nightly life.

You wouldn't know 't was there, and it'll just ease all the worry; and by and by it'll drop out of itself, cinder and all.

And afterward, during almost a century, Finland never occasioned any worries, political or economic, to the Russian Government, and did not require special sacrifices or special solicitude on its part.

Don't you know, dear, that a big establishment means lots of servants, and servants mean worry and strife?

Hardly anyone alive has escaped the worry of it and the threat of it.

" Mr. Clarkson agreed, and the following morning, when he called upon Mrs. Phipps at her request, his manner was so distant that she attributed it to ill-health following business worries and the atmosphere of London.

When Madame Angelin went to Paris she often called on Constance, to whom, before long, she confided all her worries.

If we jest do our best, And trust Him, I guess He'll take care o' the rest; I'd not mind the worry, nor stop to repine, Could I take father's share o' the burden with mine!

Besides, they had a keen grievance which obscured any worry about Billthey were hungry, wildly hungry.

"Oh!" resumed Marianne, as if to smooth things, "when the children are well one can overlook other worries.

How Lillian managed to quiet the elder woman's natural worry about Dicky, her half-formed suspicion that something was wrong, and her conviction that without her to look after me I should not be able to get through the winter, I never knew.

So once again, for the sake of the peace and quietness of all of us, leave Therese alone, for we can only expect to reap worry with the Lepailleurs.

My voice reflected worry, as I answered her query.

I'll show you the trick in two jiffies it'll relieve your worry about madam, too.

People in our position are not a very cheerful class, I am afraid; but still they don't seek out worries from sheer perverseness.

48 Verbs to Use for the Word  worry