41 Verbs to Use for the Word wot

Sir. Gawd knows wot 'e's up to now."

"Tell you wot," exclaimed Dick: "if goin' to de 'cad'my is all like dis yerI am very glad indeed that I ever came.

He got tired of it afore they did, and, arter opening 'is eyes slowly and yawning, he asked Ginger wot he meant by it.

Considering that she 'ad only just buried her 'usband, Rupert found her quite skittish enough, and he couldn't 'elp wondering wot

"Wot do you mean by it?

" "Well, ye're der funniest cove wot I ever saw.

They stood there with their noses pressed against the glass for some time, wondering wot had 'appened to Sam, but by-and-by a little boy went in and then they began to 'ave an idea wot Sam's little game was.

"We're going to break the joyful news to your old woman that you're alive afore she starts spending money wot isn't hers," said Mr. Kidd.

That didn't last, of course, and on the fourth day Sam Small, arter saying wot 'e would do to Ginger and Peter if it wasn't for the police, went off by 'imself.

He wouldn't come down a little bit, an' I paid him wot he asked.

So far as I remember, I 'ad two more goes o' whisky and one o' the skipper's cigars, and I was just thinking wot a beautiful thing it was to be alive and 'ealthy and in good spirits, talking to a nice gal that understood wot you said a'most afore you said it, when I 'eard three blows on a whistle.

That 'ud be best, in case 'e found out.' "'Found out wot?'

'Hit a poor, dumb animal wot don't know no better!

"I done ax her six or seben time, but 'pears like I dunno wot she mean when she tell me.

Wot's the good o' putting me away?' "'Got our wot back?'

Henery Walker got into trouble for leaning over Charlie Stubbs's fence and feeding his chickens for 'im, and Sam Jones's wife had to run off 'ome to 'er mother 'arf-dressed because she had 'appened to overlay a sick rabbit wot Sam 'ad taken to bed with 'im to keep warm.

ses Mrs. Cook, with a scream; "wot in?" "Drink and cards mostly," ses Jack Bates, remembering wot Charlie 'ad told 'im about blackening 'is character.

" "Sowed the wot?" demanded the other.

By the time you two have 'ad your share, besides taking wot I owe you, there'll be 'ardly anything left.

"Wot do you want?" "I want to save your life," he ses, in a solemn voice.

They only meets the harisocracy wot 'as pennies to frow about, they never passes the time of day with a plain walkin' feller like me wot ses 'is mind an' never puts on no frills.

Anybody but Ginger Dick and Peter Russet or a fool would ha' known better than to do such a thing, but old Isaac 'ad got such a oily tongue and seemed so fair-minded about wot 'e called moderate drinking that they never thought wot they was letting themselves in for, and when they took their payclose on sixteen pounds eachthey put the odd change in their pockets and 'anded the rest over to him.

Then she gave a little smile and took 'is arm agin, and they walked on talking and laughing till she turned round of a sudden and asked a big chap as was passing wot 'e was shoving 'er for.

Why, I only just opened itthat's a 'ole Maconochie 'e's got inside 'im, not countin' wot you've just....

Then Jasper Potts bent his 'ead down and began to read out loud wot was on the bottle.

41 Verbs to Use for the Word  wot