37 Verbs to Use for the Word wraps

" "Then I think we ought to have the Prize for Promptness," said Elsie, as she took off her wraps.

Angy, thinking that she divined a touch of jealousy, hastened to throw off her wrap and display the familiar old worn silk gown beneath.

Remembering that all was well, she smiled as they entered the library, and when she had removed her wraps, said, in repressed triumph: "You need never attempt the role of Shylock again.

in a tone sharp with such authority that Liane Delorme instinctively obeyed, and the woman whom Lanyard had seen that morning coming down the stairs with the lighted candle entered rather precipitately, carrying over one arm an evening wrap of gold brocade and fur.

He saw her gather the wrap a little closer about her shoulders, and that sign of fear made him sick at heart.

The place was poorly lighted and badly ventilated, and there were fully two hundred women and girls crowding and jostling each other while they hung up their wraps and put on false sleeves and black aprons.

Before the last call, she donned her wraps and went out to Plume Street.

" "Nor I;" and Saul and Sophie smiled at one another as they saw how carefully Randal arranged Emily's wraps.

" Miss Diana's eyes grew misty as her little cavalier adjusted her wrap.

As we laid aside our wraps and seated ourselves in a sort of cosey corner nook deep with pillows, and fur rugs nestling about the feet, I drew my first comfortable breath since entering, and as Miss Lavinia naturally took the lead in the conversation, giving her invitation for the next night, I had ample time to study Sylvia.

" Without another word both girls flew into the room near the front door where they had left their wraps.

It took but a moment pounce on their cloaks, and Betty also seized a long dark wrap, which lay conveniently at her hand, thinking it might be useful.

It is the month of December, yet no cold biting wind meets him, and he needs no warm wraps to shield him from the frost or snow.

When she had unfastened his wraps, her hands trembling the while with nervousness, she found that he was pot-bellied, with small legs and arms.

" So, laughing and excited, the girls obeyed her, putting on their wraps hurriedly and laughing at Laura when she got her hat over one eye.

I marked out a bourne across the wide sky and resolved that if the shadow crept past certain bright planets in the north, south, and centre, I would take it as a sign, repack my wraps, and seek shelter in a farm-house.

Once the door of a house across the street was opened, with a widening gush of amber light wherein he saw three women fitting wraps about them.

We made a very comfortable journey to Manchester, but the ride from there here was rather cheerless and cold, as they forgot to send wraps.

More people arrived on Claire's heels, and in the lively bustle she was left to shed her wraps in one of the bedrooms.

she slipped the wrap she wore from her shoulders, and stood before him, gowned in the simple, gray dress of a Quaker Maid.

" She snatched the discarded wrap from its place on the wicker rocker as she glared at him.

So when I placed my bags and traps In section number ten, She looked so tempting 'mid her wraps I sought her face again.

But we had to go about three miles along the trail to bring home the things I had to leave behind when Father had his accident," said Katherine, as she stood beside the stove slowly unwinding her wraps.

What a cold drive it was, and how bitterly we regretted that we had not brought our wraps from their bundle.

They seemed still meaner and shabbier when two other girls appeared in yet prettier costumes of fresh daintiness; and when these two dropped their little hooded shoulder-wraps of silk and lace, and she saw that they were the two Ryder cousins, poor Angela suddenly began to feel a strange sense of awkwardness and unfitness.

37 Verbs to Use for the Word  wraps